Senate Internal Security Subcommittee

Transcripts in the JFK Collection from the Senate Internal Security Subcomittee, chaired by the head of the Judiciary Committee, Mississippi Senator James Eastland

  1.Executive Session Transcript: Abba P. Schwartz, 12/6/63
  2.Executive Session Transcript: Charles A. Santos-Buch, 1/6/61
  3.Executive Session Transcript: Charles A. Santos-Buch, 1/9/61
  4.Executive Session Transcript: Edward Scannel Butler, 11/24/63
  5.Executive Session Transcript: Edwin A. Walker, 8/15/61
  6.Executive Session Transcript: Edwin A. Walker, 8/28/61
  7.Executive Session Transcript: Frank L. Auerbach and Joseph Rosetti and Abba Schwartz, 7/23/64
  8.Executive Session Transcript: Pedro Diaz Lanz, 7/10/59
  9.Executive Session Transcript: Pedro Diaz Lanz, 7/13/59
  10.Executive Session Transcript: Petr S. Deriabian and David Martin, 3/26/65
  11.Executive Session Transcript: Petr S. Deriabian, 5/5/59
  12.Executive Session Transcript: Robert Colodny, 3/17/61
  13.Executive Session Transcript: Robert E. Webster, 5/24/62
  14.Executive Session Transcript: Rolando Masferrer and Charles Pick, 4/26/62
  15.Executive Session Transcript: Ruth Hyde Paine, 12/5/63
  16.Executive Session Transcript: Viola June Cobb, 3/30/62
  17.Executive Session Transcript: Waldo Frank, 3/8/63

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