Pseudonym: Wibalda, William
Re: 1944-1970: ROBERT WALL (85): (Died) on March 9, 2008, of Glendale AZ, formerly of North Bethesda, MD. Attending Ohio State for three years, he went off to World War II as a 2nd Lieutenant landing in Europe on D-Day + 28 in the 28th Division. He served under Paul Gaynor. Surviving the Hurtgen Forest, although wounded there, he received a purple heart and a bronze star for valor. He worked for the Central Intelligence Agency for over 30 years and was instrumental in operations in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis; he authored the Phoenix Program in Vietnam during his six years there. His first wife Jeanne predeceased him in June of 2004. He is survived by his wife and college sweetheart Ila May, his son Jeff, currently serving in Afghanistan and two grandchildren. Published by The Washington Post on Mar. 28, 2007.
6/11/62: Meeting report by Bob W. re Luis Conte Aguero (AMCORE-2). Bob W. appears to be his case officer, stating that the next meeting will be 6/18/62. Bob advised Conte "it would be convenient not to have any more meeting with Ricardo (Belford) but that he should not tell him the reason. He agreed to do so." "Conte informed me that the members of the Masonic order in Cuba are forming a commission to foment an uprising in the militia and rebel army. He said that he knows the people doing this and some of his own people are involved...I asked Conte to give me a weekly intelligence report...he agreed to do so. Bob W. used the pseudonym William Wibalda, the case officer for AMCORE-2/Luis Conte Aguero. The 6/11/62 memo is signed by "Bob W." Shackley identifies the author of the 6/11/62 memo as "William Wibalda".
9/11/62 memo: Admiral S. B. Frankel, head of ONI, wrote Luis Conte Aguero and asked him to "meet WASH and bring letters received re Iron Curtain troops in Cuba." When Wibalda asked to see the letter, he saw that the letter "merely thanked Conte for his open letter of denunciation of Sov troops in Cuba addressed to President Valencia of Colombia" and asked for copies of any future such letters.
2/18/63 cable DIR 18832 from SAS/PA-PROP E. I. Harrison to JMWAVE: "HQS has requested AMTHIGH to mail future AMCORE-2 checks to AMRALLY attn Wibalda."
104-10018-10074: POSSIBLE USE OF DRE TAPE
12/13/63 memo from JMWAVE chief Ted Shackley to SAS chief Desmond FitzGerald: Here's the August 1963 tape of debate between DRE representative and Lee Harvey Oswald. "In consideration of AMCOUP-1's cooperation with (CIA), Melvin T. Wilensky may wish to make this tape available to him to be used with a simultaneous translation in his Latin American coverage...If the tape is to be used as suggested, JMHOPE would like to relay AMCOUP-1's broadcast. Consequently, please ask AMCOUP-1 to contact WIBALDA." Note that three pages further, the box to the tape sent to the CIA says "from DRE to Howard". Jefferson Morley believes that "Howard" is a reference to Miami's PW specialist George Joannides.
1976: Bob Wall was now DC/CI/OG