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Pseudonym: Shryock, Clyde K.

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Thomas Hazlett in Mexico City, also used the alias Bill Mannix. Signs many documents "CKS".


1957-1963: CIA operations against the Cuban target were developed by Thomas J Hazlett who was assigned to Mexico City under official cover in February 1957 as the officer responsible for CP exile operations. Hazlett was an unusually energetic and imaginative imaginative officer with fluent Spanish, who had the personality and background that appealed to exile intellectuals. He assembled information from informants within exiles, such as LINLUCK, and targeted the unilateral telephone tap, LIFEAT, against leaders of the groups as they were identified...In 1958, Hazlett chanced a meeting with Gustavo Arcos Bergnes, a leader of the pro-Castro 26th of July Movement -"Tom Hazlett (aka Clyde Shryock) met LITAMIL-2 on 13 April 1960 in company with LITAMIL-1 in Mexico City."...See 104-10219-10411, which shows a meeting with Shryock and "LITAMIL-1, Orlando de Cardenas and Rafael Silvio Pena Perez, former close friends of Fidel Castro while he (in) Mexi"...Pena described as owner of radio station in Tegucigalpa heavily in debt. (By 1963, Pena was manager of Radio America in same city, see 124-10214-10371, p. 8).


10/23/59 cable from Mexico City to Director: "On afternoon 21 Oct Shryock (true name Tom Hazlett) made contact with Manuel Machado Llosas as 'friend' Gustavo Arcos y Bergnes, former leader 26 July Movement Mexi. Machado former treasurer movement Mexi recognized name as he talked (with) Shryock on phone one occasion on behalf Arcos. Station quite certain Machado sympathies through LIFEAT and other sources prior (to) contact. Machado appeared delighted contact talked two hours reviewing details movement Mexi and his appreciation Castro regime...Machado promised keep 21 Oct contact confidential, and agreed meet whenever desirable."

104-10185-10265: 201 FILE OF PROTECTABLE SOURCE. Document ViewRIF

7/19/62 contact report: "(LITAMIL-3) told me that LITAMIL-9 had been to see him earlier in the afternoon and that he (L-3) had convinced him to return at 1930 to talk to me ("Bill")...LITAMIL-9 told me that...his brother Alfredo, married to Concha Fernandez (Castro secretary) is definitely anti-Communist. He said that Concha Fernandez, though now in Moscow, is also non-Communist...L-9 said he believes that (Carlos Lechuga) will defect...(at p. 140) ...(Maria del Carmen Uribe Olibarri has been very friendly with (LITAMIL-9) lately and he is suspicious of her...L-9 said that Azcue is probably his best friend in the embassy, i.e., the person with whom he talks most, not only in the office but outside it. LITAMIL-9 said that Azcue, of course, is a Communist but that he recently told him that if Cuba becomes a terrorist state he would leave the Embassy. L-9 said that he never expected these words from Azcue. L-9 said that his wife has said that she would not return to Cuba." At p. 143 - signature CKS.

104-10266-10024: PRQ PART II - LICOOKY-1

8/29/62: By 1962, Cobb has been accepted by the CIA as a contract agent: Request for PRQ II for Cobb, by Clyde Shryock, p. 3. HSCA Segregated CIA Collection (microfilm - reel 11: June Cobb) When Cobb was in the US she was providing information on the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.


11/5/63 dispatch from Win Scott, Mexico City station chief to Chief, Santo Domingo station: Shryock/Hazlett had no time to conduct assessments of LITALUS-1 and LITALUS-2 as he left the station. He had been there working with them for six and a half years. "The LITALUSes asked their present case officer, Marvin A. Cabot, to pass on to SHRYOCK their warm personal regards."

Church Committee: Book I - Foreign and Military Intelligence Current Section: M. Consumer Guidance and Evaluation

2/10/76, Shryock wrote what is called "a staff summary". "In 1972, a 'Product Review Division' (PRD) was established within the IC Staff. It has the task of regularly appraising intelligence articles and studies, 'testing them for objectivity, balance, and responsiveness.'" home/ archive/ documents/ jfk assassination documents/ church committee/ church committee reports/ pdfPDF version: 40811K Church Committee: Book I - Foreign and Military Intelligence Current Section: M. Consumer Guidance and Evaluation

Bill Simpich • John Newman

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