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Pseudonym: Rubash, Henry

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Unknown identity. Henry J. Rubash was described in two Progress Reports in 1966 (although there appears to be problems with the correct dates) as a PW. In addition, a Progress Report in July, 1968, said Rubash was a CA.
Rubash reported on AMSTRUT-2 (Juana de la Caridad Castro Ruz) and AMICE-31 (Reinaldo Pico Ramon). A cable on January 9th, 1969, stated that Henry J. Rubash was the last JMWAVE AMICE case officer, and he was at that time working at HQs on consultations.


01/03/66: Memo from PW/Rubash to COS: Subject: TYPIC/OPERATIONAL/AMSTRUT-2 - Progress Report 1 October - 31 December 1966: The date of the memo may be wrong as there are references to FY 67 so the memorandum cannot have been written on January 3, 1966. References to AMLYRIC-1 on page 101 and 102 (pages 2-3 of memo).


12/27/66: Memo from PW/Rubash to COS: Subject: TYPIC/OPERATIONAL/AMLIRA - Progress Report 1 October - 31 December 1966: The date may be incorrect as the Operational Highlights section refers to the second quarter of FY 1967.

104-10178-10334: CIA FILE ON REINALDO PICO.

06/19/68: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to COS, Buenos Aires (Info: COS, Santo Domingo; COS, JMCOBRA; Chief, WH Division): Subject: AKULE/AMICE/Comments of AMICE-31 on Raimundo Ongaro: "1. AMICE-31 had only the following to add concerning Raimundo Ongaro and his activities: After Ongaro had made his violent speech on television in Santo Domingo he was concerned by the Cuban (exile) delegation the members of which were incensed by the allegations concerning Cuban exiles and his misinformation about the Castro regime. According to AMICE-31 their arguments prevailed and Ongaro in the end was quite apologetic and admitted to them (AMICE-31 thought sincerely) that he had been in error. As proof of the sincerity of Ongaro's change of mind on the Cuban question AMICE-31 pointed to the fact that, on behalf of the Cuban delegation, Ongaro approached Juan Luis Gallo Estevez, the intransigent Uruguayan whose negative vote (the only one) doomed the Cuban-sponsored resolution on political prisoners to defeat, and tried to get him to go along with the majority. 2. AMICE-31 called Ongaro basically 'un buen muchacho' and non-Communist. He reported that Ongaro was a strong peronista and a good, practising Catholic.' He added this latter description with some wonderment because he had always placed 'good, practising Catholics' automatically in the pro-U.S., anti-Castro camp. Henry J. Rubash."

104-10178-10334: CIA FILE ON REINALDO PICO

07/08/68: Memo from CA/Henry J. Rubash to COS JMWAVE: Subject: AMICE Progress Report 1 April - 30 June 1968: "A. Operational Highlights: 1. AMICE-31 was a delegate to the Ninth CLASC Consejo which was held in Santo Domingo from 17-24 May 1968 and he also attended the First Latin American Labor Conference on Development and Integration which took place following the Ninth Consejo. A documented report on these meetings was submitted under UFGA-30216. B. Administrative: 2. During the fourth quarter of FY 68 a total of approximately $6,787 was spent on the AMICE activity. This amount includes termination payments made to AMICE-3 and AMOTEX-66. The cumulative total of AMICE expenditures for FY 68 is $71,628. 3. AMICE-3 and AMOTEX-66 were terminated amicably as of 30 June 1968. The only remaining active AMICE agent is AMICE-34 who will be retained by JMCOBRA as the labor reporter for the AMHIM Bulletin. C. Problems: 4. There are no problems of an operational nature. D. Plans for next quarters: 5. Not applicable."


01/09/69: Cable from WH/Miami to Caracas (Info: Director, Santo Domingo, Port au Prince, Paris, Kingston): Slugline EVMULE AMCLEVE: REF: CARACAS 1543 (IN 66735): "1. Para 3 ref assumption correct. Subject is AMICE-31. 2. Station pouching pertinent docs from his 201. AMICE-31 has OA and received $300 monthly salary via AMICE payroll until project terminated in 1967. 3. No one presently at WH/Miami knows subject. However, Henry Rubash, last JMWAVE AMICE case officer, who now HQs on consultations, may be able provide personal assessment AMICE-31 for Caracas. 4. File: 201-284658."


01/23/69: Cable Cite 68107 IN 71598 CARACAS 1594: "Rubash describes AMICE-31 as virile and vain; wife left him; he literally kidnapped his son to Venezuela. Rubash used name of Douglas Pomeroy with A-31. Rubash was American who sent A-31 to Santo Domingo from Miami in 1968. A-31 knew previous contact as Pablo."


01/24/69: Cable from Caracas to WH/Miami (Info: Director): JMDEVIL: Page 2: ..."HQs note we appreciate offer, but no action by Rubash required since Dopsidas can make moves to relocate FUBABE-1 starting now..."

Gavin McDonald

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