Pseudonym: Reichhardt, Bernard
07/02/59, Memo for the record from William J. Cotter: ..."3. The above situation was related to Mr. (REDACTION) and he declared that he would coordinate our interest with that of the Army. Mr. (REDACTION) further advised that Bernard Reichhardt, the WH representative in Miami, will get in touch with the Subject today. He requested that the Service be informed of the fact that Mr. Reichhardt would have an official interest in the Subject. 4. Mr. Nice was informed of the fact that Mr. Reichhardt would contact the Subject and, in view of the fact that Mr. Reichhardt is known to the District Director of the I&NS in Miami (Ed Ahrens), he did not feel it was necessary to communicate with the Miami office as to the interest of Mr. Reichhardt. Mr. Nice was advised that in view of the fact that the Subject is a political refugee there is no question but that he will be permitted to remain in the States, and it will not be necessary for this Agency to intercede in his behalf in this regard."
104-10260-10405: CABLE: ZAMKA ETA MIAMI 1430 HOURS
07/30/59, Cable from Havana to Director: REF DIR 37746 (OUT 805992*) "Zamka (David Morales) ETA Miami 1430 hours. Will check in at McAllister Hotel and contact Reichhardt. CS Comment: *Requested Zamka fly Miami 30 July or ASAP to consult with Marcos."
10/07/59, Memo from J.C. King, Chief, WH Division to Director of Security (Attention: Joseph Langdon, Support Branch, 2604 I. Building): ..."3. Since Mr. Pawley's office is vacated on week-ends, it is requested that a representative from your office travel to Miami on Friday, 8 October, or Saturday, 9 October; for the purpose of surveying the premises during this week-end; and that he return to Miami the following week-end to install the recording device, which is to be used only for callers in person, and not by telephone. On arrival in Miami, your representative should call Mr. Bernard E. Reichhardt, WHD representative in Miami, who shares an office with the OO Contacts representative, Room 302, 299 Alhambra Circle, Coral Gables. His home telephone is MO 5-4238, and his office number is Highland 5-3658."
05/02/60: CIA document to Chief, Investigation Divisions: Bernie Reichhardt's (WH) name was listed along with Gordon Campbell (PM), Robert Simon (PM), Ernest Sparks (PM case officer) and David Morales (indigenous staff representative) as having attended a meeting on April 30, 1960, at room 670 of McAllister Hotel. - - - 2022 release:
104-10110-10213: MRR MTG, MIAMI U. MOTEL COURT, 19 JULY 1960
07/23/60, CIA document from SAC Miami to Director of the CIA: ..."Due to obvious relationship of this incident to CLIP operation Miami immediately notified Bernard Reichhardt, CIA, who indicated this constituted serious matter. On night of July 19 Reichhardt requested Miami recontact Mrs. Valentiner and attempt to persuade her to refrain from discussing this incident with anyone in order to prevent story from spreading. As matter cooperation SA George contacted Mrs. Valentiner in person at her apt. same night. She appeared to be extremely well informed concerning Cuban question, having resided there for 10 years with her husband until she came last December to Miami with children for personal safety. She expressed herself strongly against Castro regime, expressed great confidence in FBI but belittled State Department for its handling of Cuban problem..." Page 2: ..."On following morning Reichhardt was advised concerning above interview and re expressed appreciation for cooperation this office..."
104-10240-10198: PLANS OF VARGAS GOMEZ
09/09/60, Memo for the record from Bernard E. Reichhardt: "1. On 8 September, Jack Peters informed that during the training of one Eduardo Garcia in New York, Garcia provided some information concerning Vargas Gomez' plans. According to Garcia, Vargas is planning to leave AMRASP and to start an exile organization under the name of Union Democratica. Additionally, Vargas was said to be planning to open offices in Washington and New York for this organization and as of next week, would move 14 people into the Washington office. 2. Referring to the statement in paragraph 4 of reference that 'Vargas Gomez conspiring', this was discussed with Manson by telephone on 9 September. It was suggested that he have AMCLATTER-1 contact Vargas Gomez to make known to him that these reports have been received regarding his plans and to warn him that if these reports are accurate, that any such plan on his part would not be in his best interests and would be so contrary to AMRASP interests that he does not think that such a move would be tolerated."
05/16/61, Memo for the record from Bernard E. Reichhardt, Acting Chief, WH/4/OPS: "1. This meeting was prompted by a call on Mr. Bissell by Mr. Hogan who requested that a meeting be arranged with Fernandez. Malone has for a long time been in contact with us and is a long time associate of Fernandez. 2. Generally, the reason for the meeting was to discuss Unidad Revolucionario plans for the future..." Pages 6-9: Attachment #1 Background Data on Donald William Hogan: Born in September, 1926 in NYC. Permanent residence in New Haven, Connecticut. Thrice married. Hogan worked for two small newspapers in Louisiana, then Hartford Times and Boston Post, between 1950 and 1955. From then until 1959 he worked as a reporter and then was assistant night editor for the New York Herald Tribune. Also wrote a history of Castro's 26th of July Movement. Hogan's brother, Anthony, managed family's sugar business, Hogan Sugar Company of 120 Wall Street...Page 2: By mid-July 1959, Hogan was reported (by FBI sources in Havana) to be very critical of the Castro Government...In May or June 1959, Hogan was introduced by his brother, Anthony, to Irving Davidson... Page 3: Dislike of FRD, believed in August 1960 that MRR best placed to overthrow Castro...Since mid-1960 Hogan provided OO Contacts (probably through New Haven Office) with various reports on Cuba. Worked with Alberto Fernandez Echevarria to run supplies into Cuba...Page 4: Hogan filed an application with CIA in early February (1961).
10/24/63, Cable from CIA to the Department of the Navy (Orig: P. Ward, Unit: WH/3/Mexico): Subject: Lee Henry Oswald: "Reference is made to CIA out teletype No. 74673, dated 10 October 1963, regarding possible presence of Subject in Mexico City. It is requested that you forward to this office as soon as possible two copies of the most recent photograph you have of Subject. We will forward them to our representative in Mexico, who will attempt to determine if the Lee Oswald in Mexico City and Subject are the same individual. Based on: MEXI 6534 (IN 40357)." Releasing Officer: Jane Roman, CI/Liaison. Coordinating Officers: CI/OPS/WH: Hughes (in draft); SR/CI/A: Draft (Roll); AC/WH/3: Bernard E. Reichhardt. Authenticating Officer: L. N. Gallary, C/WH/R.
11/24/63, Cable from Director to Mexico City (Orig: B.E. Reichhardt, Unit: WH/3): REF DIR 84916: "Assume you are keeping legal attache fully informed on developments (in DIR 84916)." Releasing Officer: Thomas H. Karamessines. Authenticating Officer: Bernard E. Reichhardt. See 104-10404-10188, DIR 84916: CIA headquarters in this cable warned that "Arrest of Sylvia Duran is extremely serious matter which could prejudice ODYOKE [U.S.] freedom of action on entire question of PBRUMEN [Cuban] responsibility. With full regard for Mexican interests, request you ensure that her arrest is kept absolutely secret, that no information from her is published or leaked, that all such info is cabled to us, and that fact of her arrest and her statements are not spread to leftist or disloyal circles in the Mexican government. We are trying to get more info on Oswald from (FBI) and will advise direct or through (FBI) Mexi."
12/13/63, CIA document from C/WH/3 to C/CI: Page 19: ..."The message was passed on at once by the Chief CI, Mr. Angleton, to Mr. Birch O'Neal of his Special Investigations Unit. Mrs. Betty Egerter of this Unit immediately recognized the name of Lee Oswald and went for his file. At the same time, Mrs. Bustos of the Mexico Desk, who had written our first report on Oswald on 10 October recognized the name from radio reports and went after the same file. Mr. Reichhardt, Mexico Desk Chief, who was home on leave, heard the news and phoned in a reminder that we had something on Oswald..."
02/15/78: CIA document: Page 24: ..."Bernard Reichhart (P): (handwritten: Ken M. Crosby) ?..."