Pseudonym: Premselar, Emory
06/27/63: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Emory D. Premselor, Reports Officer: Oliver K. Papock, Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman: "Source: AMEAT-1 from personal observations and experience. No previous description EAT. Source comments not passed State. RID: Please index all names. Indexing should include names attached to cover sheet and info in Source Comments." Page 3: Field Information Report: Date of Info: 1961 to October 1962, Place & Date Acq.: United States (April 1963). "SOURCE: A small scale farmer from Habana Province who from early 1961 to September 1962 was engaged in clandestine counterrevolutionary activity, while still operating his farm. In September 1962 source went into hiding because Cuban authorities were after him; he fled Cuba in November 1962. This information is based on personal experience and knowledge."
04/23/64: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Special Affairs Staff: Page 8-9: ..."B. DAMAGE REPORT:..3). Stanley R. Zamka as Dr. Miranda. Emory D. Premselar as Bill..."
01/22/68: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, WH Division: Subject: TYPIC/OPERATIONAL/AMLILAC/Termination of AMHINT-56: Page 5 (Page 2 of Damage Report): "WOFIRM Personnel Exposed: Stanley R. Zamka/Dr. Miranda. Emory D. Premselar/Bill..."
104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5
01/20/75: Contact Report from Emory D. Premselar: Subject: Agent - Pachankis: D/P/T: 20 Jan 75/Fairfax Holiday Inn rm 363/0830-0930: "8. Miguel Angel Diaz Isalque: I showed P the letter from Diaz to the PO Box 982 Coral Gables box; P said he did not know that address and had no idea how Diaz might have got it. I told P it was a sensitive address which we did not want to have blown, asked him to contact Diaz, ostensibly because Kalbing (who long ago was having P prime Diaz for a trip to (REDACTION) which never came off) had sent regards and an explanation of why the (REDACTION) thing fell thru) P is to make no mention of the Coral Gables address or the letter, but assuming Diaz will bring it up, to try to discover how Diaz got that address, while also discovering what it is Diaz had in mind when he wrote the letter. P thinks he has Diaz' phone number, if necessary can use the ploy of having seen Diaz's TV ad for his furniture store."
11/13/75: Contact Report: Henry S. Pachankis w/Emory D. Premselar: 12 Nov/1610-1800/ rm 502 Holiday Inn, Tysons Corner: