Pseudonym: Hubbell, Robert
Also, 104-10172-10045: Notes that AMESCORT-1 (Manuel Vega Abril) and AMRAIL-1 (Enrique Carrillo) knew Robert D. Hubbell by his true name. In addition, AMBUD-1 (probably) and Marjorie Geddes knew Hubbell as Bill Sheridan (Identity I), while Luis Simon knew Hubbell as Bill Williams (Identity D). Apparently Majorie Geddes learned Hubbell's true name on a visit to see him in hospital.
A dispatch in July of 1961 stated that Hubbell had been ill and had apparently departed the Miami area. A memo the previous month by James Noel mentioned that he had been working with JURE alongside Tracy Barnes. Noel was a former Chief of Station, Havana, who later worked in Miami and Spain for the CIA.
01/25/61: Dispatch from Chief, JMWAVE to Chief, WH Division: "1. Manuel Vega Abril has furnished the following background on Subject. Salas is an attorney and Registrar of Property (Registrador de la Propiedad), about 40 years of age. He is a devout Catholic and has many good contacts among the higher clergy in Cuba. He has never been active politically but is a man of high principal and has a strong personality. As a result of his beliefs he became active in the MRR when the Communist menace in the Castro movement became clear. In view of his strong character and abilities he was made General Coordinator of MRR activities in Havana and later was made General Coordinator of all Frente activities in the same area. 2. Vega said that Salas was well known to Dr. Edgardo Buttari and Dr. Botifol, both Cuban exiles in the US, who could give considerably more detailed information about Salas. Robert D. Hubbell."
03/13/61: Cable from WAVE to Director: Slugline JMZIP INTEL: "SUPDATA Source Robert Geddes, British subject with U.S. wife, who was head of the Pepsi Cola bottling plant in Cuba and worked with Unidad Revolucionaria. Arrived from Cuba night of 11 March and gave info to Hubbell on 12 March. More info on Geddes by dispatch...1. Three Cuban military officers, including a Captain Montoya (FNU) of the air force, were trying to get in touch with underground groups in Habana during the week of 6 March 1961, saying that now was the time for an uprising. 2. On 11 March members of the police and the militia disappeared from the streets of Habana. 3. Members of the Unidad Revolucionaria, a Cuban underground organization, fearing that Castro was trying to provoke a premature uprising, spread the word around that no action was to be taken at this time..."
03/16/61: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Robert D. Hubbell, Reports Officer: Paula K. Thyfault, Approving Officer: Paul J. Manson. "Background data and Comments: Source: AMESCORT-1 from: Paragraphs 1-11: Dr. Oscar Salas Marrero who, according to AMESCORT-1, was in Cuba for the purpose of investigating the intentions of Ray. Dr. Salas prefaced his remarks by saying that his report does not pretend to be complete. It includes only the data which he knew about Ray during his (Salas') membership in the clandestine movement in Cuba. Paragraph 12: Dr. Jose Alvarez Diaz, former Minister of Finance under Carlos Prio Socarras, who is a long-time friend of AMESCORT-1. The latter had lunch with Alvarez on 8 March in Miami. Alvarez is a public accountant and an economic expert. He is very much alarmed at the strength which Ray may have within the counterrevolutionary movement. Paragraph 13: Dr. Jorge Beruff, who is known to AMESCORT-1 since January 1951 when Beruff was president of the Desarrollo Economico de Cuba (BANDES). AMESCORT-1 feels that Beruff is 'upright, just, honest, and favors free enterprise.' He says Beruff is a practising Catholic, anti-Communist and pro-U.S. Beruff tried to resign his position in May 1959 but was persuaded to stay on for a while by Dr. Felipe Pazos. He finally resigned when Pazos left his post, and he joined the MRP with Pazos. Beruff does not consider Ray dangerous within the MRP because inside the movement Ray by himself does not count for much. Paragraph 14: Dr. Ulisea Carbo, sub-director of Prensa Libre." Page 4: Field Information Report: Country: Cuba, Place & Date Acq.: Cuba (8, 11 March 1961): SOURCE: Cuban businessman (F) from...."
04/17/61: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Robert D. Hubbell. Reports Officer: Paula K. Thyfault. Approving Officer: Paul J. Manson (probably Al Cox): "Background Data and Comments: Source: AMGLAD-3 from AMGLAD-1's successor as Chief of Intelligence of Unidad Revolucionaria (UR) - (Subject of UFGA-1336). This material came by courier pouch to the WAVE area."
05/18/61: Cable from JMBELL to JMWAVE: Page 2: "This presumably understood and discussion turned to ops plan which was hand carried to HQs by Hubbell, a brief of which A-1 tabled..."
06/02/61: Memorandum for the record from James A. Noel. Subject: Relations with Manolo Ray and the MRP: Page 19: ..."7...In a 12 May 1961 meeting, Ray promises to write a prospectus of his plans for MRP within ten days. Not received by 2 June, but Ernesto Betancourt is asking for financial support for MRP activities. Tracy Barnes agrees with Noel that no money should be given Ray until his plans are studies. Ray is asking for support separate from FRD since Ray has withdrawn from this group. Noel further states in memo, 'I would like to point out the security risks inherent in any arrangements with Ray-Betancourt-Cisneros trio. These fellows have had easy access to the White House and to the Department, are notorious for their 'planned leaks', will probably presume all the Department officials they deal with are privy to the arrangement, and before we know it the whole exile community will be well aware that we are providing financial and material support to the Ray group..."
06/12/61: Cable from JMWAVE to BELL: REF WAVE 6649 (IN 2993)* "1. In meeting 11 June with Hubbell Unidad Revolucionaria reps outlined their immediate plans as follows: A. They have organized and are training a commando unit of about 28 men. They wish to have us give these men SAB and intell training in near future pending development of a capability to give them weapons and tactical training. B. They are trying to recruit a group of 5 or 6 women willing to return to Cuba who would be give SW training and who would have no other duties than that of providing secure communications between UR in Cuba and in WAVE area. (WAVE Comment: It is possible one (unintelligible) of these women would also be be suitable for radop training. In any case WAVE will have control over the communications channel). C. They plan to reconstitute the UR intel net in Cuba. Establishment of secure communications essential however before this can be done efficiently. D. They are planning to organize a net for the purpose of passing news and rumors from mouth to mouth inside Cuba. The net is to be organized so that it will feed back to the WAVE area giving us an opportunity to assess the speed and accuracy with which news travels. 2. In view aggressive nature these plans and importance of UR inside Cuba WAVE believes it essential to have a case officer that can deal with the UR across the board. It is requested that Scorgory (Tony Sileo), in view his previous association with UR in Cuba and his general suitability for this task, be sent to WAVE for TDY during Hubbell's absence, assuming reply to ref is affirmative. C/S Comment: *Requested that Robert Hubbell be authorized to return to HQs for extended leave."
104-10226-10168: CABLE: CURRENT STATUS OF UR
06/18/61: Cable from JMWAVE to BELL: "1. Re first sentence, UR leaders themselves confirm this. Their organization, like all other resistance groups with which CIA has worked, was badly hurt by Castro's post-invasion repression of underground. What we have found encouraging about UR is that it is the only group thus far (possibly excepting the MRP) to shake off demoralization and come up with an aggressive program of anti-Castro ops. To obtain reasonable degree of success they have asked for and desperately need CIA training and materiel support. 2. Before his departure Hubbell had begun compiling data requested in second and third sentences of ref. Continuation of this plus maintenance of existing relationships with UR regardless of whether new commitments are made will require case officer with language and area knowledge. Would appreciate early reply request in WAVE 6678 (IN 2993) for TDY assignment of such an officer. 3. Hubbell is now in HQs area and is available to give fuller briefing on UR potential if HQs desires. C/S Comment: *Stated HQs info indicated that at least part of UR organization is blown by events in (Robert) Geddes, Pedro Cuellar and other cases. A more detailed plan of their proposed activities must be submitted before any commitments are made regarding support." See 124-90137-10361: Angleton told the FBI that Cuellar was a UR radio man who joined the Cuban government forces after capture during Bay of Pigs. 124-90130-10037, p. 7: FBI reports that the Cuban governmental forces later executed Cuellar.
06/23/61: Dispatch from Chief of Base, JMWAVE to Chief, WHD: "1. The following paragraphs summarize the contacts which Robert D. Hubbell established and which will need to be continued in one form or another. 2. The AMGLAD group. This group consists of AMGLAD-2, AMGLAD-3, and AMGLAD-4, who are Identities A, B, and C, respectively. These people knew Hubbell as Identity D, and they have called him on the unlisted KUJUMP/Domestic Contact Division telephone and at his home. For the time being, Chester F. Mongoven (sp) will be their point of contact. 3. AMESCORT-1. He is Identity E. He knows Hubbell by his true name and has (unintelligible) him on the same telephone as mentioned in paragraph 2. Chester F. Mongoven (sp) is to get in touch with him when his next monthly payment is due. On 10 June Charles B. Weisinger was introduced to AMESCORT-1 by Hubbell. AMESCORT-1 has good contacts in the MRR and the MRP. He has served as a spotter for KUTUBE, and has had some SW and other training. He speaks good English. Before he came to the WAVE area he was a contact of Woodrow C. Olien. 4. AMRAIL-1. He is Identity F. He has known Hubbell by his true name and has used the same telephone numbers mentioned in paragraph 2. Payment to AMRAIL-1 is made indirectly by means of a monthly check for $300.00, sent through Identity C to AMRAIL-1's wife. This payment is made by KUJUMP/Domestic Contact Division, and Mongoven is familiar with the arrangement. AMRAIL-1 was suggested as a contact by the Chief KUDOVE, who was a college classmate of AMRAIL-1. Latter has done a translation into Spanish of Rostow's book, The Stages of Economic Growth, which might be used as a powerful piece of propaganda. AMRAIL-1 is also known by Mongoven (sp). 5. AMDENIM-1. He is Identity H. He has known Hubbell as Identity D..." (CONTINUED BELOW).
06/23/61: Dispatch from Chief of Base, JMWAVE to Chief, WH: "6. (Probably AMBUD-1) knows Hubbell as Identity I and has called him at the telephone numbers mentioned in paragraph 2. He knows that Hubbell was leaving. Hubbell has suggested that AMBUD-1 use Mongoven (sp) as a point of contact for any matters not involving policy decisions. 7. Identity J. This person has gone to Oregon to stay for an indefinite period with her mother. She has met Roger L. (Unintelligible) and knows him by his true name. She knew Hubbell as Identity D, although when she visited him at the hospital she learned his true name. Presumably, if she calls for him she will ask for Identity D. 8. Identity K. He has known Hubbell as Identity D. He also knows Frank Masengill, who can get in touch with him. A POA has been requested but has not yet been granted because of some old derogatory traces. Identity K has written a study of the Cuban (unintelligible) and of the Cuban labor movement, which is being put in a (unintelligible) to forward to Headquarters. Identity K has also proposed some military schemes which Hubbell believes have merit. He is a former captain and commanding officer of a mortar platoon. His political affiliation is with the Martiano group. (Signed) Stanley R. Zamka." Page 4: "Reference: UFGA-1776. Identity A: Aureliano Fernandez. Can be reached at phone numbers (office) FR3-1003; (home) FR1-6393. Identity B: Luis Vega...Identity C: Hector Febles, aka 'Horacio'...Identity D: Bill Williams. Identity E: Manuel Vega...Identity F: Enrique Carrillo...Identity G: University of Miami...Identity H: Alberto Fernandez...Identity I: Bill Sheridan. Identity J: Mrs. Robert Geddes, first name is Marjorie. Identity K: Luis Simon. (Signed) Stanley R. Zamka."
07/17/61: Dispatch from Chief of Base, JMWAVE (two initials, last one M, and signed by Edward D. Knapman) to Chief, WHD: "1. On 3 July 1961 the undersigned was introduced to AMGLAD-2, 3 and 4 at a meeting which lasted three unhappy hours. Prior to attending the meeting, the writer had a limited opportunity to study the files on the organization and to talk to the person who has been funding the group on an interim basis since the illness and departure of Robert D. Hubbell, the last case officer..." Mention of UR organization having tenuous connections in Cuba, infighting. "2. All three of the agents seem to be intelligent men, and, as could reasonably be anticipated, they were interested in obtaining additional financial support. They said that they had spoken to Hubbell in terms of support of $6,000 a month and described their plan for developing a commando group to land sabotage teams in Cuba by boat. These teams could also undertake infiltration, intelligence and arms delivery operations..." Mention of Chester J. Cashell in 4), as "another Base officer," who had allegedly disrupted the Halcones Negros by cutting off the support of AMGLAD members who joined the Halcones.
06/15/2011: Article in Bohemia Magazine by Manuel Hevia Frasquieri on CIA Operation Patty: Titled: The dirty war against Cuba..."According to various authors, Izaguirre de la Riva had close contacts with a group of case officers from the CIA and other special services, such as Frank Bender, Karl Hetch and Howard Hunt, closely linked to terrorism against Cuba. According to his words, there he was introduced to by fellow officer Bill Williams - also known as Howard Hunt - a new CIA 'project' that was waiting for the approval of the agency's headquarters, aimed at carrying out pirate attacks against Cuban coasts. planting explosive mines in its main bays, the supposed occupation of a Cuban key near the island, providing it with a powerful radio plant as well as anti-aircraft artillery and cannons, and the continuation of the supply of weapons and explosives to the internal groups, when the time comes, carry out uprisings and other subversive acts..."