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Pseudonym: Goelet, Horace

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Horace Goelet was a pseudonym used by CIA officer Stanley M. Figolak. Goelet was an alias used by CIA officer Horace Speed III, SAS. Memos in September 1963, and October 1967, on Richard Cain, mentioned Horace Speed, SAS. Horace Speed was an alias of Figolak.
A memorandum in August, 1963, stated that Goelet/Figolak worked in the Special Affairs Staff (SAS).

This pseudonym has been mentioned in Bill Simpich's State Secret: Wiretapping in Mexico City, Double Agents, and the Framing of Lee Oswald, and Peter Dale Scott's Dallas 63: The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House (page 154).

In September 1963, Horace Speed III, SAS/EDE, requested a POA for Richard Cain: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2021/docid-32405408.pdf

See 180-10144-10405, page 4 of 5: "Cardozo (NOTE: as seen below, Miro Cardona/AMBUD-1) contacted Cain on 30 Aug 1963 and wanted some help in locating arms. He told Cain that Duque...in Miami was desperate, because there were some men already in Cuba and some ready to go. Cain told Cardozo he had lost his contacts. In connection with conversation with Horace GOELET/Horace SPEED #199499 had with Cain, Cain said that Cardozo told him that CIA would have nothing to do with the arms sale...Source (NOTE: Cain) met Serapio Montejo...former director of the Frente in Chicago, and associated with (Tony Varona/AMDIP-1). (Cain) was introduced to (Cardona/AMBUD-1) by Montejo prior to the Bay of Pigs. They asked (Cain) to assist...in the purchase of weapons." See 1993.08.04.11:20:01:370064 - page 4 - also known as "Horace Speed III, #199499", who had a source named Ralph Perez in Chicago who tipped him off about Guillermo Escobar allegedly attempting to recruit young Cubans into the Communist Party. Also see 104-10132-10319, which indicates that Perez and Escobar were one and the same.

Also see 104-10506-10034 - p. 3 - Speed had possession of Veciana's file during the 1970s, and "lent" it to the Latin American Division Task Force reviewing the JFK case during the HSCA era.


08/20/63: CIA memorandum: "1. Horace Goelet (P) SAS, telephoned the Chicago Field Office from Washington at 1305 p.m. (CDST) 19 August 1963 and stated he would be arriving in Chicago at 5:00 p.m. He requested a dinner appointment be arranged with Richard Cain, Chief Investigator, Cook County Sheriff's Office. 2. Upon arrival, Chicago Field Office Chief briefed Goelet concerning Cain. Goelet said he had not completed a security check on Cain and, at this time, wanted to seek Cain's additional cooperation in reporting instances of indiscreetness among Chicago Cuban refugees as it would concern contacts with US Government being talked about. 3. It was arranged to meet with Cain at 1830 hours. During the ensuing meeting he agreed to do all he could to assist. 4. Goelet informed Field Office Chief that on 20 August 1963 he planned to see the following Cuban refugees: (a) Jose Omar Cabrera, 923 W. George Street (No record in Chicago Field Office). (b) Manuel Ledesma Capestay, 6707 West 63rd Street (No record in Chicago Field Office). (c) Felipe Santiago Calvelo, 701 North Central Avenue (Previously interviewed by Chicago Field Office). (d) Ramon Gonzalez Travieso, 1742 North Sedgewick (Previously interviewed by Chicago Field Office). 5. Goelet left Chicago at approximately 1800 on 20 August. He said he would probably return the week of 26 August."


09/09/63: Memorandum for the record from Stanley M. Figolak: DATE: 19 August 1963, 1800-2230 hours. PLACE: Lake Shore Drive Athletic Club, and Adolphs Club, 1045 North Rush Street, Chicago, Ill. PRESENT: Subject, Chief of Chicago OO Office, and Stanley M. Figolak as Horace H. Goelet (Introduced simply as 'Race'): ..."2. Subject is in his middle or late thirties, approximately 5' 8" in height, weighing about 150 pounds. Subject, who has gained considerable notoriety in the Chicago press as a tough cop, a polygraph expert, and as Chief Investigator for the Cook County Sheriff's Office, could well pass as a graduate of the Harvard Business School; neatly and conservatively dressed, black horn-glasses, and hair cut short and combed close to the head. Subject speaks well though occasionally lapsing into bad grammar. 3. Subject is thinking of taking a job as Chief Investigator for Illinois Crime Commission, which would considerably negate his value to us. In the far future, Subject would like to work overseas, possibly with CIA. It was pointed out to him that his work with CIA now might be of value if he did apply to work with CIA in the future. 4. Subject is married to a Mexican girl, speaks good Spanish and has considerable contact with the Cuban community in Chicago. Subject is, through his position in the Cook County Sheriff's Office, also in contact with the less legal adventures of the Cubans in Chicago. Subject was told generally of our requirements and agreed to help us wherever he could; particularly in noting any rumors of CIA contact in Chicago, providing information on the undercover activities of the Cubans, particularly Paulino Sierra and his contacts; and providing the names of any Cubans who might be useful to us..."


02/06/64: Memorandum for the record from Stanley M. Figolak: "1. On 27 January 1964, A-1 called to report that he would be staying at the Cornell Club of New York City, Room 401, until 29 January 1964. He had planned to stay at the Commodore Hotel, but evidently the lure of the old school was too much. 2. On 28 January 1964, A-1 called Figolak minutes before Figolak planned to call A-1. A-1 wondered if Figolak would be coming to New York, but Figolak replied that he would merely give A-1 a statement of CIA's requirements with regard to A-1's trip to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. SAS requirements were that A-1 should report on the Cuban communities in each of the Central American capitals...The Central American area desk of OCI had asked that A-1 obtain any information he logically could on the attitude of the peasants to (1) the government and (2) the guerrillas in Guatemala and the activities of the guerrillas on the north coast of Honduras - gun running, smuggling, in hiding, etc. A-1 felt he would he able to obtain considerable information on all these questions. 3. A-1 told Figolak that he would leave for Mexico on 29 January 1964. He would remain there until Sunday, 2 February, at which time he would fly to the Dominican Republic. He planned to stay at the Embajador Hotel in Santo Domingo for approximately a week. Beyond the D.R., A-1 did not know his itinerary, but he said he would send it to Figolak as soon as he had determined the remainder of his itinerary. 4. A-1 had been in New York to give a speech concerning Cuba and communism to the American Society of Sanitation Engineers. A-1 had said, when Figolak saw him in Kansas City in early January 1964, that much of the material for his speech had been obtained from Manolo Ray, in Puerto Rico. 5. Figolak told A-1 that CIA would like him to come to Washington D.C. after he had returned from his trip. A-1 said he would work it out with Figolak after his return."


03/10/64: Memorandum for the record from Stanley M. Figolak: Subject: Telephone Conversation with AMACME-1 (201-743526). "1. Figolak called A-1 to set up an appointment for 5 March in New York. 2. Figolak asked if A-1 had heard anything more concerning the venture against the Russian or British freighter. A-1 said that Enrique Abascal, 201-730643 had said that his collections for the Christian Democratic Movement proceeded quite well on the basis of the film the Movement showed of their purported trip to Cuba. One man gave Abascal $500. A-1 said that the Movement already had sufficient funds to purchase the 75 mm RR. 3. A-1 further said that Gaspar Villato, 201-291742 had indicated that he would have no moral scruples about killing A-1 if he learned that A-1 had talked about the plan to attack the freighter. 4. A-1 lastly said that he had a contact print he would show Figolak of the 38' craft that the Christian Democratic Movement planned to use in the attack on the freighter." - - - 03/10/64: Memorandum for the record from Stanley M. Figolak: "1. A-1 phoned to report that he had seen a movie which purportedly showed members of the Christian Democratic Movement on a mission against Cuba. Actually, the film shows them on a cay off the Cuban coast, possibly Camaguey. 2. The MDC used a 33' boat powered by a 65 kp Model A engine. The craft may be named the Sierra. It is armor plated with 3" boilerplate. It goes out as a bonafide fishing boat and actually does some legitimate fishing. 3. A-1 did not know the date of the purported expedition." https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=52986&relPageId=2


03/27/64: Memorandum for the record from Stanley M. Figolak: "1. A-1 called Figolak to say that he was having dinner with Oscar (Unintelligible) that evening. Figolak told A-1 to gain as much information as he could, without raising (Unintelligible)'s suspicions, about (Unintelligible)'s thoughts on his source at the Christian Democratic School in Caracas. A-1 said he would learn all he could and send Figolak the details. He said that (Unintelligible) had been offered a year's scholarship in West Germany, but was still undecided as to what he would do. 2. A-1 also reported that the planned attempt of the MDC (Movimiento Democratico Cristiano) group headed by Laureano Batista Falla against a Russian or other foreign freighter delivering goods to Cuba had been postponed. The MDC has committed itself to another resupply mission and will have to delay the freighter attack. A further phone call from A-1 on 21 March indicated that the resupply mission was imminent. A-1 said that Gaspar Villato had casually said he would be in Cuba by Sunday, March 22. Furthermore, Victor Paneque, aka 'Commandante Diego,' had left New York for Miami carrying a handbag with 25 grenades. The Miami branch of the MDC requested that the New York branch supply 10 M-1 carbines and assorted other goods. This request has thrown Gaspar Villato (201-291742) into a blue funk since M-1 carbines cost approximately $60 each. A-1 further reported that the Swedish grenades had been shipped to Miami, leaving New York during the week of March 10-14. The driver for the shipment was Eduardo Nodarse, who also carried some Spanish 9 mm pistols and explosive cord. He had unfortunately left the primers in his apartment in New York. A-1 lastly reported that the MDC had acquired a 400 h.p. Volvo engine for the 33' cruiser, at the cost of $2500. Figolak commented that the MDC finances seemed to be improving. A-1 said they had received $3,000 from the MDC in Venezuela."

124-10203-10357: FBI AIRTEL

03/31/64: FBI airtel from SAC, New York to Director: Subject: Movimiento Democrata Cristiano (MDC), IS-CUBA, NM, (OO: Miami): Page 2: "The CIA source is Robert Granville Henriques, who was interviewed in the NYO on 3/23/64 in the presence of CIA agent Horace Goelet. Disrepancies between original information as furnished by CIA and information contained in enclosed LHM were resolved in the presence of Granville and Goelet in favor of information as set forth in enclosed LHM. Robert Granville Henriques obtains his information concerning activities of the MDC from Gaspar Vilato, Jr. During the interview conducted with Gaspar Vilato, Jr. he gave every indication of being sincere and of giving an honest opinion of the MDC as he saw the organization..."


04/29/64: Report Cover Sheet from JMWAVE: Reporting Officer: Henry J. Sloman (probably Tony Sforza). Reports Officer: Margaret R. Nankall. Approving Officer: Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley). "Source: P-109 in AMOT report DD-818 of 23 April 1964. Alfredo Paredes may possibly be identical with the subject of 201-294663, former CIA trainee." - - - Page 3: Memorandum for the record: from Stanley M. Figolak. Subject: Telephone contact with AMACME-1 201-74326. "1. Figolak called A-1 since it had been sometime since A-1 had reported. A-1 said that the flak over FBI's calling in the members of the MDC (Movimiento Democratica Cristiano) had subsided. The MDC are now proceeding slowly in their plans. They were buying small arms, but little more than that. A-1 was told that he should be ready to go on an expedition in May. 2. Figolak told A-1 that he must start now to prepare for his trip to Cuba for the 26th of July celebration. Figolak told A-1 (unintelligible) but to send it first to Figolak in Washington, D.C. A-1 was to tell Celia Sanchez that he had heard nothing from her in regard to passing the clothing, etc to someone who would send the package to her. A-1 was to further tell Celia that he thought that it was time they began planning his trip to cover the 26th July celebrations. A-1 was to mention that it appeared there might be some sort of reconciliation in the air. He was to specifically mention Lisa Howard's interview with Fidel Castro, which was not totally unsympathetic to Castro. He was to say that he thought the celebration this year might be a particularly interesting one for the above reasons, and that he would like very much to cover it."


11/12/64: AMMUG-1 PRQ Part II from CI/OA to C/WH/SA/CI: ..."3. List other case officers who have handled subject or whom he knows...Stanley. M. Figolak as Horace..."


12/03/64: Memorandum for the record from Stanley M. Figolak: DATE: 10 Nov. '64, 1250-1350 hours: PLACE: Subject's home at 2701 N. Kedzie, Chi. PRESENT: Subject, his father and Figolak as Goelet.


02/05/65: Memorandum for the record from Stanley M. Figolak: DATE: 29 January 1965: "Figolak called Subject to determine if Subject or his father had been able to think of possible good contacts for Figolak. Subject said that neither he nor his father could think of one likely contact. Figolak queried Subject about the man they knew of who was supposed to be in contact with a Rebel Army captain. Subject said that they had found the man and queried him about the captain. The man said that he was not in contact, but rather had once been introduced to the captain and had bragged about his contact on that basis. Figolak will not contact Subject again."


3/24/65: Memorandum for the Record, an extract on briefing report between Stanley Figolak aka "Horace Goelet" and AMBALD-1 (Humberto Arcocha Barcelo): "Figolak asked AMBALD-1 if AMBALD-2 (Juan Arcocha Barcelo) or (Carlos) Franqui had told him the names of any of those on Raul's list for execution if Fidel were to be assassinated. AMBALD-1 said that they had mentioned Efigenio Ameijeiras, Faure Chomon, and Rolando Cubela as listed. Franqui told AMBALD-1 that one basis of the feud between Cubela and Raul Castro was Cubela's right to wear the uniform of the Rebel Army with the rank of major. Raul maintained that since Cubela was not in the Sierra he should not wear the uniform. According to Franqui, when Cubela returned after his last trip he was appointed a (medical coordinator) and thus he could wear the uniform. Presumably, this was a point for Cubela in the continued feud with Raul."


10/09/67: Memo from M. D. Stevens to Chief, SRS: Subject: Cain, Richard S. #272 141: ..."2. Subject, it is obvious, had been a source of information regarding an alleged discussion of the assassination of President Kennedy at a secret meeting of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee held in Chicago in February 1963 under the direction of Richard Criley (#346 116). He also was the source of information regarding the alleged attempted recruitment into the Communist Party of young Cubans in the Chicago area by one Guillermo Escobar, who according to the Chicago office was 'one of Horace Speed's (SAS) leads obtained from Ralph Perez.' (Presumably Ralph Perez, #444260). Speed is Horace Speed III, #199499..." - - - The April 2018 release of this memo had Speed's full name redacted out. Speed was mentioned: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=150489#relPageId=1&search= - - - This pre-2018 version has Horace Speed III unredacted: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40352#relPageId=4&search=

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