Pseudonym: Digerveno, Peter J.
06/20/60: Report of Investigation: Category of Report: OOC. Field Office: Los Angeles. "Case No.: #214442 - E.A.R...."
104-10215-10099: ROSS L. CROZIER, 201-168881, VOL. V.
06/30/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Subject: GYROSE/Housing Allowance for Contract Personnel: ..."Based on JMWAVE initial survey of the status of contract personnel the station requests that Headquarters approve extension of the housing allowance to the following individuals: Harold R. Noemayr, Peter J. Digerveno, Henry J. Sloman, Irving G. Cadick, Philip D. Glavasco, Irving C. Devuono, Alice P. Jenrette..."
01/14/63: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: ..."3. Early in 1961, Mario Aguerevere Espinosa told AMCONCERT-1 that Jorge was in Varadero and had good contacts to enter and leave Cuba by boat near the Varadero area. When the AMRYE-1 net was setting up an exfiltration point, AMCONCERT-1 visited Jorge, who presented AMCONCERT-1 to Domingo Beltard, aka Cuco. AMCONCERT-1 saw that Cuco had contacts with fishermen of the area, especially the Nunez brothers (Alicio, Angel and Jose). AMCONCERT-1 was introduced to Alicio Nunez. In March 1961, AMCONCERT-1 introduced Peter Digerveno to Jorge. Digerveno and Jorge made arrangements to place a radio (RS-6) on a farm near the coast of Cardenas. It was later learned that Jorge was involved with persons of the Directorio Estudiantil who used this farm. The radio was later discovered by the GOC security forces and the owner of the farm imprisoned. AMCONCERT-1 broke off contact with Jorge at that time. After the invasion, Sloman instructed AMCONCERT-1 to see Jorge and set up the exfiltration of Henry J. Sloman and AMPARCH-1. This was done in June 1961. 4. Jorge wished to maintain closer contact with AMCONCERT-1 when he learned that Digerveno was leaving Cuba..."
104-10236-10182: DISPATCH: PARA 1: IN AN INTERVIEW ON 10
07/05/63: CIA document from JMWAVE: "Lewis D. Nicklas, Henry J. Sloman, Peter J. Digerveno, Alice B. Caponong: Norma R. Cardascio: Andrew K. Reuteman: "TYPIC: Source: Para 1: AMPAID-1, in an the interview on 10 May 1963, from Servelio Garcia Rodriguez and Angel Maria Chavez Negrin. Para 2: AMDAMP-3, in SW MSG No 17 from Habana dated 10 April 1963 and received 24 April 1963. Para 3: AMBUD-1, in an unsigned letter dated 10 January 1963. Field Comment 2: AMOT-2, in a sketch, (copy attached) from Santiago Blanco, AA 76 dated 9 July 1962. Ref UFG-927, para 23, for Punta Mora activity. Info on new Soviet bases is forwarded to Headquarters for possible confirmation. RID: Please index."
01/27/65: CIA document: Biographical data: "NAME: Rodriguez, Emilio Americo. BIRTH: 27 Jan 1928, Habana, Cuba...CITIZENSHIP: U.S. naturalized; entered U.S. 1942; Nat: Nov. 1949...MARITAL STATUS: Married. CHILDREN: Four. PARENTS: Rodriguez, Fnu; b. 1891, Havana, Cuba; Address: New Orleans, Louisiana (believed U.S. citizen) Rodriguez, Fnu; (Mother) (Deceased). EMPLOYMENT: Apr. 1954 - Present: Assistant Dist. Manager, Habana Dist. Sales Office, Appleton Electric Co. Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric, Century Electric, Hubbard & Co., Hubbard Aluminium Products, & The Okonite Company. 1948-1954: Employed in U.S. Present: U.S. Government. EDUCATION: Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana (present), (Grad) B.S. & M.A.; working to complete P.H.D. Alcoa Fortier H.S., New Orleans, Louisiana, Colegio de la Salle, Habana, Cuba..."
03/05/65: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline AQUATIC: "Disguise Tech Bernard prepared to TDY WAVE week 15 March. Need not meet. Request concurrence and whether Subjects of ref available. TSD Comment: Request disguise support for Weldrake, Huseby, Sloman, Digerveno and AMTRUNK-21."
07/20/65: Dispatch from Chief, WHD to COS, JMWAVE: "References advised WAVE that Intelligence Medals of Merit had been approved for Henry J. Sloman, (Handwritten: Emilio A. Rodriguez), and Clinton A. Wasgardis. It has been determined that Sloman and Digerveno could return to Headquarters for an award ceremony in the Headquarters building. In the case of Wasgardis, however, security and cover considerations might preclude his appearance in this area. Please advise Headquarters if Wasgardis could attend a ceremony in the Headquarters building, and, if so, when he could be available for the presentation."
1967: Part II - Biographic Data: PSEUDONYM: Peter J. Digerveno: This document shares many features with 104-10161-10341. Date of birth is the same, both 27 January 1928, wife and four children, U.S. citizen, attendance at Tulane University etc.
06/15/67: Memorandum from Victor R. White, Deputy Director of Security (IOS) to Chief, Central Cover Staff: Subject: Peter J. Divergeno, # 214 442, CCS # 2285: "1. Reference is made to your memorandum dated 12 June 1967 regarding establishment of (REDACTION) cover for Subject's assignment to (REDACTION). 2. Security files contain no record of declaration or compromise to foreign Governments or intelligence/security services. There is no indication of security factors which would affect the proposed action."
11/15/67 CARACAS 8292. slugline AKULE CIELBOW: "Request HQS not cancel Project CIELBOW. REF B (HVCA-14933) pouched 14 November contains cover recommendations and request that HQS consider a replacement for Digerveno, whose death reported by Banasiak on return from JMWAVE...Hunkeler believes if Spanish speaking officer with business experience can be obtained there would be no problem replacing Digerveno in proposed cover mechanism. Hunkeler reports good progress made in obtaining outlets for his brand of merchandise...JMWAVE: Request station express COS (chief of station) sympathy to wife of Digerveno, whose death both personal and official loss."