A Record from Mary's Database
CD 87, pp. 1-8 SS 336, SS 443, SS 477, SS 523, SS 626; HSCA Reel 52, Box 29, Folder F (AMKW 29) re Homer Samuel ECHEVARRIA Valdivia; FBI JFK 124- 10027-10044, Lifton's pp. 43-44
White, male Cuban. 32, 3' 9", 160 lbs, black hair, mustache, olive complexion. In Chicago, he maintained steady employment as Chicago transit authority bus driver. Son of Ebelia Echevarria, a "source" for the Chicago office of the FBI. Born at Jatibonico, Camaguay, Cuba. Employed by C. J. Simpson Drilling Co., resided briefly in Dallas at 10353 Denton Drive. Fled Castro's Cuba. Resided in Anniston, Ala 6 months. Had entered United States on July 6, 1960 at Miami, FL, via Cuvano Airlines flight No. 808. I&NS Alien Number is A-12 236 480 (201-767409)