Cryptonym: TI

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TI was probably the digraph for operations and assets in Sweden.
TICRYSTAL-1 was Jan Erik Kronholm, a Swedish national. TIPSTAFF was probably the Swedish intelligence service. A cable in January of 1961 mentioned TIEBAR-8. The declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes defined TIEBARS as the Swedish Defense Staff.

Two cables from Stockholm on November 28, 1963, mentioned TICRIBBAGE-1. The first cable stated that "at 27 Nov meeting with TICRIBBAGE/1 Reidemann queried T/1 as to knowledge this travel. T/1, aware this article, had already checked all files of IDEN 1, for the year 1959 for indication Oswald travel through IDEN 1. T/1 was not able to locate any record of a visa request for Oswald during either October 1959 or any other month of 1959. T/1 finds this mysterious inasmuch as IDEN 1 handled all American visa requests for travel to the USSR as well as 'practically 100 percent' of all visas issued for travel to the USSR in Stockholm with the exception of cases which the Soviet Embassy, STOC." IDEN 2 was also mentioned as being T-1's superior.

The second cable stated that IDEN 1 was Nyman and Schultz Travel Company, and IDEN 2 was Rune Larsson.

A cable from Stockholm on December 17, 1963, stated that "TICRIBBAGE/1 has rechecked all files for October 1959 for possible trace Lee Harvey Oswald travel USSR with negative results. T/1 checked names A. Ridell aka Rydell and O.H. Lee. Does HQs have knowledge other possible Oswald aliases which they desire traced?" In addition, a dispatch from Stockolm in March of 1964 mentioned TICRIBBAGE-1 and Intourist, Moscow.

104-10172-10111: HALPERIN, MAURICE HYMAN.

01/11/61: Cable from Stockholm to Director (handwritten next to ACTION: Bill Ryan, DC/WE): LCHARVEST: "1. TIEBAR-8 memo passed to station 10 Jan stated USUA reliable source (identified orally by T-8 as political official with high level contacts) reports two new organizations founded during commie meeting Moscow Dec 60. One is office dealing with countries formerly included French colonial system. Other is 'Office for Permanent Studies and Cooperation with Latin American Parties' (portion missing being RECD.). Latter to be organized by commie parties Argentina, Brazil and Cuba, located Peiping. Head office to be DR. M. Halperin, administration director Mrs. Marta Stern...2. T-8 stated one Mrs. Stern, PBPRIME (U.S.) citizen, was in Sweden in early 50. No station traces Stern or Halperin. 3. T-8 anxious have report confirmed as (unintelligible) source; would like HQs comments Halperin and Stern involvement and whether latter was in Sweden; believes important determine if office actually located Peiping and not (unintelligible) to him this would mean major allocation responsibility. 4. PLS advise including background CHICOM Latin American activity for T-8. Para 1 above may be dissemed if worthwhile." - - - On page 55 of the declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes, TIEBARS was defined as the Swedish Defense Staff:


01/15/62: Dispatch from COS, Stockholm to Chief, WE: "Attached is full text of TITRE/11's reply to our questions, the gist of which was submitted in reference. Where there is any apparent variation between reference and this text, the former should be consulted, since TITRE/11 supplemented his written report with oral comments to Lund. The items in quotes are the allegations on which further information was desired. Following this are TITRE/11's own comments plus questions which he suggests be put to AELADLE (Anatoliy Golitsyn). Thomas W. Lund."


11/28/63: Cable from Stockholm to Director: TICRIBBAGE/1: "1. Newspapers squib 'Dagens Nyheter' of 25 November states that Lee Oswald passed through Sweden during October 1959. Article also adds that Oswald was unsuccessful in obtaining visa to the USSR in Helsinki which resulted in Oswald returning to Stockholm. Two days after arrival in STOC Oswald traveled directly to Moscow. Concluding sentence states 'this indicates that the Russian Embassy (STOC) gave him a visa.' TITRE being requested get press full story and source. 2. At 27 Nov meeting with TICRIBBAGE/1 Reidemann queried T/1 as to knowledge this travel. T/1, aware this article, had already checked all files of IDEN 1, for the year 1959 for indication Oswald travel through IDEN 1. T/1 was not able to locate any record of a visa request for Oswald during either October 1959 or any other month of 1959. T/1 finds this mysterious inasmuch as IDEN 1 handled all American visa requests for travel to the USSR as well as 'practically 100 percent' of all visas issued for travel to the USSR in Stockholm with the exception of cases which the Soviet Embassy, STOC, visaed directly for reasons of their own interest. T/1 checked every visa request for 1959 plus all voucher copies as well as order sheets and all correspondence for such travel with negative results. This check was made with the concurrence of T/1's superior, IDEN 2, who also is puzzled as to how Oswald received his visa in 'two days' without going through normal channels. As a result of T/1's negative checks, IDEN 2 cautioned T/1 not to divulge this information to the press. 3. T/1 and IDEN 2 conclude that Oswald must have been visaed directly by the Soviet Embassy, STOC, although they have no evidence to confirm such an assumption. T/1 has continuing access to all files of such travel and is able to re-check files to attempt to determine if Oswald could have been visaed using a different name...T/1 will check files for POSS travel USSR by 'Hidell'..."

104-10016-10012: IDEN CABLE

11/28/63: Cable from Stockholm to Director (ACTION: C/WH 2 (MR. WHITTEN, WH, NOTIFIED AND COPY SLOTTED 1150 28 NOV 63 OJ): CITE STOC 4315: REF STOC 4314 (IN 69613): "1. IDEN 1 - Nyman and Schultz Travel Co. 2. IDEN 2 - Rune Larsson." C/S Comment: Dissemination applicable to RYBAT (a high level of secrecy required to protect the message) GPFLOOR (Lee Harvey Oswald post-assassination designation) cables."


12/17/63: Cable from Stockholm to Director: Slugline RYBAT GPFLOOR TICRIBBAGE: REF STOC 4314 (IN 696131): TICRIBBAGE/1 has rechecked all files for October 1959 for possible trace Lee Harvey Oswald travel USSR with negative results. T/1 checked names A. Ridell aka Rydell and O.H. Lee. Does HQs have knowledge other possible Oswald aliases which they desire traced? C/S Comment: TICRIBBAGE/1 was not able to locate any record of a visa request for Oswald during either October 1959, or any other month of 1959."


03/20/64: Dispatch from COS, Stockholm: Subject: REDWOOD/TICRIBBAGE/1: Dispatch signed by Monroe N. Reidemann. Mentioned TICRIBBAGE-1 and Intourist, Moscow, among other things. - - - This redacted version has clearer print:

Gavin McDonald • Bill Simpich

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