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Cryptonym: OMEGA

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An exile group plan to invade Cuba, in the 1963-1964 time period, with Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo as the military chief.
1971 FBI memo: "Alpha-66 was founded in late 1962 or early 1963 by Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo, Armando Fleites, Antonio Veciana, Andres Nazario Sargent, Dr. Diego Medina and others, as a cover for the Second National Front of Escambray. In 1966 it separated from the Second National Front of Escambray...there have been three landings, one in 1967 and two in 1970, also 14 raids from 1963 to October 1970. They have also attacked one ship on the high seas and two while in Cuban harbors..." 104-10170-10123: COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY ORGANIZATION, ALPHA 66, AND ITS ACTIVITIES. Also see 124-10223-10092 (p. 17 of 30) "The Second Front was originally formed in the Escambray Mountains, Las Villas Province, Cuba, in 1957, where it formed an effective guerrilla force which succeeded in taking over a considerable portion of territory in those mountains. They were outfoxed and eclipsed politically by the Castro forces, and with the advent of the Castro regime in 1959 they faded out of public life. After leaving Cuba in 1961, the principal leaders of the Second Front regrouped and once again formed the organization in exile." Their focus became hit-and-run raids of Cuba.

124-90036-10073: No Title

June-July 1963: p. 13 - Plans were afoot by mid-June 1963 for the alliance of MRP, SNFE and Alpha-66 to launch an insurrection known as Plan Omega. One source stated on 7/3/63 that Plan Omega would probably be launched within the next three months. p. 24 - SNFE circular dated 7/30/63: "The Delegation in Dallas, Texas is already working very hard and is headed by a worthy young man with a background as a fighter, Mr. Manolito Rodriguez. Along with Antonio Navarro, Jorge Vivos, Jesus Hernandez, Edin Gutierrez, engineer Armando Ordonez, engineer Jose A. Lescusay, Jose Rodriguez, Jorge Salazar, Eloy Hernandez, Pedro E. Prado and Antonio Waldesuso, they form a leadership determined to create an organization with the necessary vitality for the crucial times in which our nation lives." p. 27 - at top of list of SNFE/Alpha-66 - Manuel Rodriguez - 3663 SW 5th St, Miami. p. 34: MM T-7 - Jesus Franco Camedo (revealed in 2018 release) - reported that on 6/24/63 Santos Trafficante said he wanted Eloy Menoyo killed outside of the United States for not paying him for $250,000 in an anti-Castro arms sale.


CIA Field Information and Report, 10/1/63, source AMRAZZ-1: "On 7 August 1963, Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo, 201-269349, official of the alliance formed by the Movimento Revolucionario del Pueblo (MRP, Revolutionary Movement of the People), Alpha-66, and the Segundo Frente Nacional del Escambray (SNFE, Second National Front of the Escambray) said during a meeting on Plan Omega, the liberation of Cuba, which was attended by Antonio Veciana Blanch, that he could rely on three basic landing points in Cuba. These landing points were on the northern coast of Las Villas Province, where the atmosphere of the peasants appeared to be most favorable. Gutierrez said he maintained constant contact by mail and by phone with the people there...Gutierrez said he had $28,000 in the bank reserved exclusively for military affairs and that he was expecting $5000 minimum from Puerto Rico as a result of the collection from boxing matches...it is believed that with this money and 85 percent of the monthly collection of $8000 to $9000, which is allocated to the military department, Plan Omega will be able to be launched within four months. It is believed the plan can be carried out without including the funds which might be obtained from wealthy persons such as Hamilton Fish." Also see 104-10274-10423, p. 3: Gutierrez was staging the boxing matches in Puerto Rico for Plan Omega himself.

124-10223-10092: No Title

10/14/63, airgram from Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Miami, to the Dept. of State: "Reliable information from several sources (re the three organizations Alpha 66, SFNE, and MRP) indicates that their principal objective now is a three-stage plan to overthrow the Communist Cuba regime, known as Plan Omega, consisting of: (1) Reorganization and arming of guerrilla groups throughout Cuba, led by local men who know their own area; (2) Incessant guerrilla attacks against Russian bases, the Cuban army and the militia, in order to cause material damage to the Cuban armed forces, undermine their morale and raise the morale of the civilian population in preparation for an insurrection; and (3) coordination and control of a general insurrection." Note: This language was used in 124-90036-10073, the June-July 1963 document above.

180-10143-10209: No Title

11/26/63: "(Eloy Gutierrez) Menoyo is military chief of Project Omega." At page 6: "In early 1964, actively planning for military infiltration into Cuba as part of Plan Omega for overthrow of Castro government...in late summer '63", Menoyo was "involved...with obtaining (a) plane, later reported to have been hidden in Cuba; Browning automatic rifles; and other provisions for massive assault inside Cuba." Also see 124-10280-10002, p. 14, which stated that according to Aurelio Nazario Sargen, Plan Omega would be activated before Nov. 30, 1963, with departures from the Yucatan peninsula, Santo Domingo and Panama, all landing in the province of Las Villas with guerrilla and sabotage activities in other areas of Cuba. At p. 16 - Angel Banos stated in December that the new date was May, 1964, and the plan was that the invaders would not return from Cuba. MM T-1 is 847-S, and he did not believe that the SNFE invasion of Cuba was imminent in any way.

124-10223-10148: No Title

2/18/64 memo from SAC, New York to Director, FBI: "Humberto Arguelles...delegate of the SNFE-Alpha 66-MRP in New York City...(on 1/26/64 spoke to) a group of Cubans in Port Chester, NY, who call themselves "Circular Cubano"...Arguelles discussed 'Plan Omega'...the organization's plans for landing people in Cuba...55 or 60 present...Patriotic Movement: Doctor Carlos Marquez Sterling, former presidential candidate in Cuba, advised that he was very satisfied with the growth of patriotic groups throughout the United Stqtes...Detective John Caulfield, Bureau of Special Services (BOSS), NYCPD...advised that (on January 19, 1964) the Free Cuba Patriotic Movement sponsored a meeting (estimated at 1500)...speakers included...Sterling, head of the Free Cuba Patriotic Movement, Dr. Guillermo Martinez Marquez, a Cuban exile, newspaper man and newspaper publisher, and Mr. Spruille Braden, well known former United States Ambassador to Latin America."


2/28/64 memo: ..."Gutierrez (Menoyo) told (AMTAUP-2) that the SNFE, MRP and Alpha-66 have signed secret pact with JURE which will not be divulged until leaders of JURE and Gutierrez are fighting in Cuba." See Jonathan C. Brown, "Cuba's Revolutionary World": "Perhsps to restore his funding with President Johnson, Menoyo approached the CIA with Plan Omega, in which his organization would send armed infiltrators back into the Escambray Mountains...Menoyo claimed that the Sccond Front also had assets in Venezuela, where President Romulo Betancourt, himself challenged by leftist guerrillas, supported anti-Castro activities...Menoyo did build up credibility by organizing a boycott of English products against Great Britain's sale of busses to the Castro government." https://books.google.com/books?id=Js-5DgAAQBAJ&pg=PT172&lpg=PT172&dq=%22jose+rabel+nunez%22&source=bl&ots=fBohjCyFIv&sig=ACfU3U15H1CAwQeyFL5m478z0csKULqB7A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizwonVspb5AhWmJ0QIHehSDsYQ6AF6BAgYEAM#v=onepage&q=%22jose%20rabel%20nunez%22&f=false


3/20/64: Henry Sloman/Tony Sforza reported to HQ Information from AMLINT-1: According to several members of the alliance, "Plan Omega - the war against Fidel Castro Ruz - would be executed in all its parts from Puerto Rico and would have to be initiated prior to 20 or 21 March 1964. It is thought that the coordination of possible cooperation within Cuba will be forthcoming during the middle of the sugar cane harvest because the regime may find it more difficult to mobilize its troops since the transportation systems are now being used by the sugar industry."

124-10280-10043: No Title

4/6/64 FBI memo: "MM T-1 (states) that Armando Fleites Diaz, Secretary General of the Second National Front of the Escambray, has stated that his group is now ready to begin a sustained series of attacks on Cuba, 'possibly within the next 14 days'. Fleites emphasized that the groups are not to be launched from American soil. The eventual aim of the attacks is to establish a beachhead on Cuban soil which can be held by anti-Castro forces for a sufficient length of time to gain recognition as a government in fact...According to a member of the SNFE...the "Plan Omega" military operation which the SNFE has been developing for some time is in its final stages and will be activated within a month. This plan is a joint plan of the SNFE alliance which includes (MRP and JURE). The initial personnel includes only SNFE men, but the arms and equipment will be supplied both by SNFE and JURE...Ray has the use of a large boat which is presently located in Puerto Rico... Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo is to be participate personally and will be infiltrated. Some 150 to 200 men are expected to be involved in the initial phase of 'Plan Omega'. These men have either been living in Miami or are being assembled in Miami from various sections of the United States...Following the successful establishment of a base in Cuba, Manolo Ray will then follow to join Gutierrez. According to MM T-2, Ray will be the political leader of the operation while Gutierrez will remain in charge of the military operations." Also see 104-10192-10332, re a 4/14/64 CIA information report: "(Manuel Quiza Docal) said that a hit-and-run which had been planned to take place in March had been coordinated by JURE with the alliance formed by the (SNFE, MRP) and Alpha-66. The objective of a successful raid would be to increase the financial support for 'Plan Omega' which supposedly would carry the war to Cuba in a combined operation by these organizations."

1994.05.31.13:09:09:590005: Reel 7, Folder R - JOAQUIN GODOY Y SOLIS

4/14/64: "Re final executive committee meeting of SFNE in Miami before launching Plan Omega. To be responsible for reports given to news media relating to Plan Omega of SFNE." Also see 104-10192-10335: 4/14/64 dispatch from Charles B. Weisinger/Ray Dubois, Margaret Nankall, and Andrew Reuterman/Ted Shackley at JMWAVE to HQ: "On 30 March 1964 Antonio Veciana Blanch, leading official of Alpha-66...said that the SFNE executive committee had met on 23 March at which time Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo, SNFE leader, announced that that would be the final meeting in the United States before launching the military phase of Plan Omega...Gutierrez is believed to have a base in the Dominican Republic at an undisclosed location and may launch his invasion of Cuba from this point."

124-90094-10034: No Title

4/28/64: The document elaborates on the details of the "Omega Plan" and states it was named after the Greek letter that represents the end, and feasibly symbolized a plan to end the Castro regime. It sought to form "permanent and coordinated action with the internal forces of sabotage and demolition." It asserted not depending on the military forces of other countries, international politics, or related circumstances. "The Omega Plan is not a strategy for a struggle outlined in a hurry; it is a carefully outlined plan, done by experienced men, for the underground and guerrilla warfare, built on simple bases but firm and we are sure that it will lead us to victory with the support of the Cuban people, if we have the necessary financial resources until the end of the battle." The plan is signed by Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo and states "To Conquer or to Die" which infers this was a plan of conquest or "liberation" for Cuba. At p. 4 of 14: John Caulfield, BOSS detective of NYC (and involved in the Watergate events) stated the last public event conducted by SNFE-Alpha 66-MRP was during January 1964, and none were planned until they land in Cuba.


5/15/64, editorial, Richmond News Leader, Richmond, VA (FOIA release by CIA): Discusses how Plan Omega was run by Manuel Ray, the CIA, and the State Department to overthrow the Castro government.

124-90135-10117: No Title

"The Miami Herald...dated 2/3/65, contained an article entitled "'Spy Ring' Baited Trap for Menoyo" by Carlos Martinez of the Latin American staff. This article revealed that a pro-Castro spy network linking Miami, Santo Domingo, and PR contributed to the recent capture in Cuba of Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo and three of his lieutenants, according to reports from Cuba. Menoyo and his men had gone into hiding last May announcing that they were to launch the final phase of 'Plan Omega', a mysterious outline for bringing about Castro's downfall. Hundreds of arrests were reportedly made in Oriente as a result of Menoyo's capture."

Bill Simpich • Carmine Savastano

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