Cryptonym: ODTEST
10/3/63 cable from REDACTED, EE/G/CE to Panama City, Mexico City and other stations: "...According ODTEST Erhard Mossack has persistently sought contact with US military intelligence personnel in Panama since 1961...Recently informed ODTEST he has source he hopes (to) send (to) Cuba within four to six months...According Mossack source is Carlos Alberto Echague Nicklas born 30 Jan 42 Santiago, Chile...ODTEST plans interview Echague and if he proves valuable ODTEST plans turn over (to CIA). Meanwhile ODTEST desires investigate CI implications and determine Mossack motives for persistent interest pursuing contacts with US military intelligence personnel..."
10/17/63, Cable from Director to Mexico City: Slugline RYBAT ZRKNICK: "REF: PACY 0931 (IN 38769)* MEXI 6554 (IN 41303). HQs files indicate Victoria 'Toya' Trujillo listed by ODTEST Panama in Feb 63 as an informant targeted on general and subversive targets. If this same Trujillo as refs please cable current status ODTEST/Trujillo relationship and comment on possibility for exploitation. WH/Comment: *Nelva Garcia will not travel to Cuba until later. Victoria Trujillo carrying SW letter from HYSAGE-1 to Mexico."
104-10221-10003: GALAN, VICTOR RICO, 201-336474
10/25/63, Cable from Panama City to Director: Slugline RYBAT/HYSAGE: Page 4: ..."She said she was certain she could not stop the action against the Venezuelan Consulate which was tentatively scheduled for night 24 October, and Ponchay told her not to try to stop that action. (Comment: This portion of info re plans for violence was disseminated verbally to local agencies. ODTEST confirms that Molotov cocktail was thrown at Venezuelan Consulate Colon at 0040 on 25 October)..."
02/22/64, Cable from Panama City to Director: "1. The Puente brothers have been under some suspicion since their arrival in PACY following their release from Cuban prison as result intervention Thelma King, Panamanian national assembly woman. HYFRACE-2 (Liaison) has said that they should not be trusted and labeled them opportunists saying they claim Panamanian or Cuban citizenship depending which most advantageous at moment. HYAMTEASE-1 suspicious of the brothers and RZP-5047 reported he believed they Castro agents. 2. Part of suspicion Jose and Roberto undoubtedly result brother, Jorge, still in Cuba. Of special interest is fact that in November 1963, according to ODTEST informant, Thelma King attempted to call Jorge via long distance but was unable to locate him. Purpose of the call according informant, was to inform Jorge that she was planning to travel Communist China and she wanted Jorge to relay the information to FNU Conil. 3. Conil is probably Gilberto Conill Iglesias, former Cuban Consul in Panama who was required leave country 1961 for meddling internal affairs. Conill believed subsequently assigned Peking and attempting get official invitation for King visit Communist China."
03/24/64, Cable from Panama City to Director: "1. ODTEST claims have source with 'excellent contacts' in Junta Revolucionaria Cubana (JURE) which allegedly plans infiltration clandestine guerrilla force into Cuba by 20 May 1964. Source claims Cubans throughout Latin America have been gathering in Caracas preparing for infiltration, and has offered go Caracas for reporting on plans, timing, personnel, equipment and transportation this 'expeditionary force.' 2. Without revealing any special CIA interest anti-Castro operations Station will discourage ODTEST use this source for above purposes unless WAVE or HQs advise otherwise. 3. No index."
07/17/64, Cable from Panama City to Director: Slugline RYBAT HYSAGE: Page 2: "2. While following may be only coincidence it is noteworthy that since H-1's 13 July identification of 'Bill' (believed to be Bedrich Sruta) as person with strong hold over Tito and handler of Ed and several others, neither Station nor ODTEST have been able locate Sr. ALX of interest is 11 July return to PACY from Moscow of Zacarias Vasquez Arosemena and 14 July return from Moscow of Adria Enith Lopez either of whom could have brought instructions for H-1 from Soviets or Czechs...."