Cryptonym: MHSPLASH
11/10/76 memo from REDACTED station to Director, slugline RYBAT WNINTEL MHSPLASH WOMUSE: "(Mrs. Pete Bagley) received telephone call 9 Nov from woman with unusual accent from Paris identifying herself as calling on behalf of Readers' Digest...purpose of call was to identify T. H. Bagley as one and same with 'Pete' Bagley...this identification pertinent to article written by FNU Epstein...Epstein could conceivably be Jay Epstein who wrote book critical of Warren Commission Report many of which criticisms defensible..."
12/8/77 memo from Director to REDACTED, slugline WNINTEL RNVIEW MHSPLASH: "On 7 December three Mexico desk officers reviewed 38 FBI folders on Lee Harvey Oswald...vast majority of documents uncontroversial...most potentially damaging document found to date is following 27 Nov 1963 memorandum from A. H. Belmont to one Mr. Tolson: "Assistant Director Sullivan called to advise that CIA has informed us that Mexican authorities have arrested Sylvia Duran, just as she was about to leave for Cuba. CIA wanted to know if we objected to Mexican authorities interrogating vigorously and exhaustively; we agreed to this interrogation. They will give us the results of the interrogation promptly. Sylvia Duran is the Mexican national who worked in the Cuban consulate who reported that Oswald had been in the consulate at the end of September and on October 1, 1963, to seek assistance in getting a visa for Russia...'Uno Mas Uno' journalist Raymundo Rua (sic) Palacios was also in FBI Reading Room 7 December and checked out five folders on the Oswald case."
1/27/78 memo from Mexico City Station to HQ, slugline WNINTEL RNVIEW MHSPLASH: "Review of documents relating to Lee Harvey Oswald transmitted by TM-25066 were received at Station 25 Jan and have been reviewed. Concur HQS assessment concerning potential damage which can be done to Station's operations and liaison activities as result their revelation should documents be surfaced Mexico City. Believe we can anticipate that senior Mexican government officials and our liaison counterparts will be shocked...Specific documents that will support Communist allegations (note: re CIA use of Mexican officials to spy on Mexico) are as follows: A. Blind memo by FBI dated March 16, 1964..."A confidential source abroad who is thoroughly familiar with the workings of the Mexican Ministry of Gobernacion (Interior) has furnished the following information concerning the procedures used by the Mexican immigration service in connection with the entry and departure of non-Mexican citizens in and out of Mexico. (See FBI 105-3702 Oswald Mexico City File, Section 5, p. 68) B. Urgent classified telegram to DIR/FBI...Luis Echevarria/LITEMPO-8, acting director of Gobernacion, will be notified re possibly polygraph examination of Rojas, his identity, and allegations made by (Yladio) Rojas re Kennedy assassination (note: see 124-10029-10284)...C. (Re 4/28/64 FBI document signed by SA Joseph B. Garcia)... arranged for delivery of a copy of the signed statement of Silvia Tirado de Duran by Captain Fernando Gutierrez Barrios (see 124-10162-10097); D. (5/5/64 memo where Fernando Gutierrez Barrios/LITEMPO-4 states "his agency had conducted no investigation in connection with the travel in Mexico of Lee Harvey Oswald and did not have in its possession any passenger lists from any bus lines." Also, "Declassification (re CIA station in Mexico City and its 'sensitive operations') would damage our operations in Mexico City."
3/7/78 memo from REDACTED to HQ, slugline WNINTEL MHSPLASH CKELEG SGCHART RTWINNER: "BBC-ONE broadcast fifty minute program on Kennedy assassination at 2010 on 6 March...'The Kennedy Cover-Up: A Report on Sensational New Evidence on his Death", Michael Cockerell's report claims to collate for the first time all the new evidence...producing evidence of a link between Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA, and the KGB. Program included interviews with James F. Hosty, identified as FBI agent Dallas, William Gaudet, described as a former CIA agent, and Antonio Veciana, characterized as a Cuban CIA operative..."
8/3/78 memo from HQ to Mexico City Station, slugline WNINTEL RYBAT MHSPLASH: Revelations about KDAFGHAN-1 in "Uno Mas Uno" article in a Mexican newspaper on 8/3/78, and Excelsior article of 8/3/78 re 'Electronic Espionage of CIA Against Cuba From Mexico'..."HQS through CCS will alert Macmillan Company in New York, Berlitz's parent organization, will advise Macmillan reaction and any views they may have on handling press reaction in not mention HSCA interest in interviewing KDAFGHAN-1...KDAFGHAN-1 was involved in photographic coverage of the Cuban Embassy from Mexico in 1962 until he left Mexico in 1972."