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Cryptonym: LITRAMP-2

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Unknown identity. A dispatch of November 6, 1963, stated that LITRAMP-2 had continued to publish at least one major anti-Communist editorial daily during the July-September 1963 period. The same dispatch also mentioned that LITRAMP-2's newspaper had an "exceedingly good circulation". It is likely that LITRAMP-2 was a editor/leading journalist/owner of this publication in the Monterrey area of Mexico.
In November, 1963, LITRAMP-2 was conducting a harassment project against Humberto Ramos Lozano, the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Nuevo Leon. There are references to the harassment campaign dating back to December 1962 involving the CIA base in Monterrey, Mexico in the dispatch of November 6, 1963. Moreover, the same dispatch stated that the majority of contact with LITRAMP-2 was handled through LITRAMP-6, and that both had very good relations with their case officer.


10/25/63, Dispatch from Chief of Base, Monterrey to Chief, WH Division: "1. Attachment A is a copy of the '(Unintelligible)' column which appeared in El Puerto (sp) on 22 October 1963. The article suggests that with only two 'clandestine riders' a 'Trojan Horse' was introduced into the election ticket headed by Abiel Treviso Martinez by Humberto Ramos Lozano. The article identifies the 'Riders' as Jose Diaz Delgado and Francisco Reyes. This is a continuation of the campaign to embarrass both the Governor and Ramos Lozano (Unintelligible). Information about Diaz Delgado was originally submitted to the Base by LIVAGUE/1 (see reference) and turned over to LITRAMP/2 for exploitation..."


11/01/63, Dispatch from Chief of Base, Monterrey to Chief, WH Division: "1. Attached is an advertisement placed by the Cruzada Regional Anti-Communista (CRAC) which appeared in El Porvenir on 26 October 1963 warning against Communist infiltration in the Nuevo Leon State coming elections and identifying some of the alleged leftists and/or Communists who are running on the PRI ticket. The advertisement also takes another crack at Humberto Ramos Lozano and is based in large part on the knowledge by LIGAFF/1 that he possesses a photographic copy of Ramos' Communist party carnet (part of Base black harassment which began in December 1962 - see reference). 2. On 27 October 1963 LIVACATE/1 reported that the often rumored disagreement between Ramos Lozano and Eduardo Livas Villarreal, Governor of the State of Nuevo Leon, was taking on more significance and that a strong rumor persists at this time that Ramos Lozano may seriously be considering resigning from his position as Lt. Governor. In mid-October 1963, Ramos Lozano asked LITRAMP-2 when he was going to take the pressure off him. LITRAMP-2 countered by saying that since the date of resignation of Jose Alvarado Santos as Rector of the University of Nuevo Leon that no pressure or derogatory public remarks had been published and that the same would be true when Ramos Lozano decided to resign. It appears that the constant pressure which has been applied against Ramos Lozano is making the latter somewhat uncomfortable."


11/06/63, Dispatch from Chief of Base, Monterrey to Chief, WH Division: "1. LITRAMP/2 has continued to publish at least one major anti-Communist editorial daily during the period under review. In many cases the number of these specially slanted articles will run as high as three or four. LITRAMP/2 is essentially a self-starting perpetual performing type of action agent who requires the very minimum of supervision or support from the Base. He is extremely well oriented on KUBARK/KUWOLF objectives in general and consistently promotes anti-Communism in all its phases. His publication is widely known as the strongest independent anti-Communist paper in this area and has an exceedingly good circulation. The Base prepares special articles only when the particular subject matter has not been previously covered. In practically all cases, LITRAMP/2 has continued to promote a policy of publishing all available news on Communist activities throughout the western hemisphere as well as the rest of the world. His editorial selections have been excellent and have adequately covered the KUWOLF objectives in this area. 2. Personal contact between the case officer and LITRAMP/2 is strictly limited although they meet socially on occasions at cocktail parties. The majority of contact with LITRAMP/2 is handled through LITRAMP/6. LITRAMP/6 will be leaving Mexico shortly for a 6 months training course in El Salvador and may possibly follow this up with a 6 months training course in the U.S. At any rate, LITRAMP/6 will be lost to this operation sometime in late November or early December 1963. LITRAMP/2 has told the case officer that he is also looking for a suitable replacement for LITRAMP/6. Headquarters will be promptly notified of any personnel changes which may be necessitated by this event and the appropriate clearances will be requested." (CONTINUED BELOW).


11/06/63, Dispatch from Chief of Base, Monterrey to Chief, WH Division: "3. LITRAMP/2 has continued his harassment tactics against Humberto Ramos Lozano, Lieutenant Governor of the State of Nuevo Leon. LITRAMP/2 is in possession of the black carnets circulated by this Base in December 1962 and is holding them in reserve for special use at what he considers an optimum time. The possession of a party carnet card bearing the name of Ramos Lozano (and which a PCM contact of LITRAMP/2 has identified as legitimate) has materially assisted in providing LITRAMP/2 with evidence on which to base this harassment effort. LITRAMP/2 continues to support the LIGAFF group and carries out suitable and appropriate Political Action type operations on his own which support and /or supplement KUBARK objectives. 4. The LITRAMP project continues to effectively carry out the project objectives outlined in Reference A paragraph 1a. There are no problems envisaged for the immediate future and relations between the case officer and LITRAMP/2 and LITRAMP/6 are excellent."

Gavin McDonald

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