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Cryptonym: LIRING-2

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Consul at Cuban embassy that returned to Cuba at the end of 1966.

104-10266-10138: FOLDER ON LIRING-3.

9/27/66 cable: "LIRING-3 told Wallace B. Rowton 26 Sept that LIRING-4 now officially employed as secretary to LIRING-1. According to LIRING-3, LIRING-1 and LIRING-2 will go home PCS in December."

104-10175-10025: LIRING-3

April 1967 chronology of LIRING-3: "Jurado's wife, Miriam Chichay, a Chinese-Cuban, worked in the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City until November 1966 for LIRING-1 and LIRING-2..."

See Also:
Bill Simpich

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