Cryptonym: LICENTO-1
104-10062-10227: DOCUMENT LISTINGS.
Circa September 1963 - Page 17:..."HMMA-22308: Operational Monthly Report-1-30 Sep 63: 053-004-121: 18/10/63: LICENTO-1/Additional Information on Travel of Nicaraguans and Costa Ricans to the Bloc area. Code Routing: AD C/WH/3... (From 06/16/77, CIA document)
10/09/63, Cable from Mexico City to Director: "1. For Panama: According LICENTO-1, Julio Cesar Varela (Unintelligible) and Simeon Arnulfo Araica Jiron left MEXI 6 Oct for Prague. Judith Ferreto asked third reservation for Domingo Sanchez who (unintelligible) leave MEXI 9 Oct for Prague. All going on Moscow L-1 believes. 2. For SJOS: Ferreto requested LICENTO-1 Oct 4 return unused (unintelligible) Lina Rose Ferreto's ticket. Saying Lina will leave later Warsaw through Havana or by boat. Same date Ferreto requested reservations for (Unintelligible) Ferreto de Saenz for MEXI/SJOS 8 Oct..."
11/01/63, Cable from Mexico City to Director: "1. According LIFEAT 29 Oct Joaquin Alvarado and Mercedes Carvajal, Costa Ricans, due in MEXI 1 Nov from SJOS. They probably on way USSR to study. Exact date departure not known but they going KLM to Amsterdam then by train. 2. According LICENTO-1 and LIFEAT Lina Rosa Ferreto and Jose J. (Unintelligible) leaving for Warsaw by boat 4 Nov from Tampico although final approval not yet received from Warsaw. 3. For DIR: Should MEXI continue cabling travel info this type picked up LIFEAT and/or LICENTO-1. 4. Index."
104-10093-10336: CABLE RE TRAVEL PLANS
11/07/63, Cable from Mexico City to Director: "1. Subjects ref, according LICENTO/1 and LIFEAT, arrived MEXI 1 Nov Lacsa 626 and left 3 Nov EAL 364. Names EAL manifest as Mercedes Carvajal Mena and Joaquin Alvarado Quiros. SUBJS missed CPA flight 3 Nov. They going Budapest study. 2. According LIFEAT Alvarado, who brought letter for Judith Ferreto, has brother in MEXI, can SJOS identify? 3. According Ferreto, which confirmed by letter to Judith from brother Arnoldo in Moscow, Arnoldo obtained authorization Bulgarians send three more Costa Rican students Bulgaria this year but official notice not yet received MEXI. 4. Jose Joaquin Amador and Lina Rosa Ferreto delayed MEXI since Polish boat not due Tampico until 12 or 13 Nov. 5. According LICENTO/1 Ana Valeria Szekely Duno Tendler, who placed L-1 in contact with Judith, gets three and one half percent commission on all tickets Judith buys. According LIFEAT early Nov Duno kicking back at least part to Judith...C/S Comment: *Reported Alvarado and Carvajal probably on way to USSR to study."
11/26/63, Cable from Mexico City to Director: "1. LICENTO-1 said 25 Nov that Ana Valeria Szekely Duno Tendler and husband David Duno Tendler Lang, left MEXI for Dallas, Texas 19 Nov on Braniff. Said did not know purpose trip but thought worth reporting since Valeria and her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Shelley, who employed by MexAmerican travel service at Mexico City Aurrera Office, both close to Judith Ferreto Segura, Costa Rica commie resident Mexico L-1 understands they due back in MEXI 26 Nov. 2. Both listed Braniff manifest flight 50 Nov 20 to San Antonio with transfer for Dallas. 3. Previous MEXI traffic indicates L-1 originally met Ferreto through Valeria Duno, and that Duno still receives three and one half per cent commission on all tickets which Ferreto purchases through MexAmerican. Also Duno kicks back part of commission to Ferreto. 4. HMM-7594, based on letter from sister Chapa Tijerina to Peking China mentioned that Shelley (FNU), possibly IDEN with Elizabeth and/or latter's husband Alberto Shelley Matron, Calle Herodoto 30, Col Anzuers, MEXI, had been accepted by Chinese-Latin America Society of Friendship to work in China..."
11/29/63 dispatch from Chief of Station, Mexico City to Chief, WH Division: When combined with 1993.08.10.16:28:38:460007 - it contains the following information: "LIFEAT/ Exile...LIFEAT continuing coverage of ESLARD-1/Juan Jose Arevalo has provided information of interest to (CIA) on (Arevalo's) planned travel and the delays to that travel as well as his future type and place of employment. Coverage of Judith Ferreto Segura provided the land on which the recruitment of LICENTO-1 was based. LICENTO-1 was recruited as an access agent to ILLEGIBLE for possible future recruitment attempt of her...
104-10185-10159: LICOOKY/50-6-129/1/DEVELOPMENT AND PLANS
2/19/65 memo from C/WH/POA Gerard Droller to WH/EXO: "LICOOKY-2 is a Mexican travel agency employee recruited by LICOOKY-1 in 1963 and then turned over to another Mexican asset for handling. His agency is used by a Central American communist living in Mexico to arrange travel for other Central Americans transitting Mexico."
Dispatch 12/15/64 from Win Scott to C/WH J.C. King: "... with the reported replacement of Judith Ferreto as the principal manager of travel for Communists originated in or going to Costa Rica, it is not known whether LICOOKY-2 (formerly LICENTO) will continue to have access to information of interest to (CIA)... Page 2:..."b. LICOOKY-2 (formerly LICENTO), a young Mexican male field agent, is employed by a Mexico City travel agency which is used by a Central American Communist agent to arrange travel from Mexico to Eastern European countries. He was originally spotted by LICOOKY-1 in August 1963 and recruited by Simon D. CLACKETT. His principal reports have concerned communist travelers from Central America going to Iron Curtain countries. He has been paid on a piecemeal basis averaging $1000.00 person a month..." page 3: "LICOOKY-2's natural cover gives him easy access to the required travel information and does not present a security problem. He and RAYMANDER are of similar ages and since REYMANDER is under non-official cover their being together does not tend to create suspicion...It is assumed that he realizes he is working for some kind of (US) agency but he has never asked any questions or shown any curiosity about said agency. LICOOKY-2 is not aware of LICOOKY-1's affiliation with (US), and LICOOKY-1 was never told that LICOOKY-2 was recruited." Emergency conditions: "In the event of a break in diplomatic relations between (the US) and the Mexican government this project could be continued under the control of a case officer under non-official cover. In the event of war between the two nations, this project would cease to function."