Cryptonym: JMARC
This page lists the requests that HSCA staffers made to the CIA. The CIA responses are on the next page. JMARC is defined as "overall Cuban operations".
A footnote on page 46 of Volume 3 of the CIA's Bay of Pigs history states: "The crypt for the WH/4 anti-Castro operation was initially JMARC. Following compromise of this crypt, the project became JMATE (sometime in the period between 6-13 December 1960)."
104-10310-10020: FILE:DDCI DOCUMENTS
JMARC Counterintelligence Plan: Have one senior CI officer and four operations officers, as well as five analysts and secretarial staff. The four staff representatives were Victor Wallen, Birch O'Neil, and two names redacted. Chief, SID, CI staff would coordinate with Deputy Chief for penetration and double agent operations. Deputy Chief, ICD, CI staff had action responsibility for penetration of Cuban Communist Party. Victor Wallen, Operations Division, CI Staff: Responsibility for collecting records and studies on Cuban Intelligence and Security Services. (Initial requirements drawn up for Ernie Sparks/Carl Jenkins use.) Deputy Chief, ICG: Responsibility for collecting records and studies on Cuban Communist Party...To implement the plan for an FRD Security Service, BENDER-CARR representatives in Mexico City, Miami, Washington and New York will be briefed on the plan...(candidates) will be trained on-the-job by an Chilean ex-police officer who will be recommended to the FRD by the BENDER-CARR group. (p. 54 of 71).
05/11/60, Cable from Miami to Director: "1. FYI in conversation with QDDALE 11 May he asked if I aware Rubio final decision regarding participation Junta. When replied I was not QDDALE said Rubio had withdrawn because does not want associate himself with certain members of Junta. Rubio reasoning well known to HQ. 2. QDDALE then said that he too is dissociating himself from JMARC. Said he is not resentful nor does he intend this affect his overall relationship with KUBARK (CIA). Simply feels composition Junta is grave basis error very dangerous to U.S. interests and therefore cannot support it. Said further he would continue pass any information which comes to his attention and that I and others should continue feel free ask his assistance at any time in matters not related to JMARC. C/S Comment: *Dissemination applicable to RYBAT JMNET cables."
06/01/60, Memorandum to file from Jerry L. Massett, Alien Affairs Officer: Subject: (Conte Aguero, Luis (JMARC): "1. Miss Martha Tharpe, WH Div., orally requested this Staff to ascertain whether or not subject would be permitted to transfer his parole from New York City to Miami, Florida, effective about 15 June 1960. She stated that if the subject is permitted to move to Miami, they intend for him to stay there for about two months and then depart the country for an indefinite period. 2. I informed Mr. McCarthy of the contemplated move of subject and he stated he will check and let me know whether or not Immigration will agree to this. In the event that they consent to this move, he will require a memorandum of request."
06/02/60, Memorandum from Martha Tharpe, WH/4/Political Action to Alien Affairs Staff, Office of Security (Attention: Mr. Massett): Subject: Luis Conte Aguero, Request for Transfer of Parole Status from New York to Miami: "1. This will confirm my 1 June telephone request for your assistance with I&NS in having subject's parole status transferred indefinitely from New York City to Miami. He will be needed in Miami on or about 15 June in connection with JMARC project. 2. For your information, we plan tentatively to use subject in Miami for about two months and then send him to some Latin American country for service in JMARC activities. Our request for your assistance in this will be submitted later, when plans are more definite."
06/14/60, Memorandum from Martha Tharpe, WH/4/Political Action to Chief, OS/AAS (Attention: Mr. Pennington): "1. This will confirm my telephone request for your assistance in making necessary arrangements with I&N for the following travel outside the United States of four members of the JMARC project in Miami: Antonio Varona Loredo: To Washington 14 June; to New York 14 June; to Puerto Rico 17 June; to San Jose, Costa Rica via Panama 18 or 19 June; to Tegucigalpa, Honduras 23 June; to Guatemala 24 June; to Mexico 25 June; to New York 28 June; and return to Miami 2 July. *Justo Carrillo Hernandez: To Mexico 14 June; to San Jose 19 June; to Mexico 23 June; to New York 28 June; to Miami 2 July. Manuel Artime Buesa: To San Jose 18 June; to Mexico 23 June; to New York 28 June; to Miami 2 July. Jose Ignacio Rasco y Bermudez: To San Jose 15 June; to Mexico 23 June; to New York 28 June; to Miami 2 July. 2. The above travel is in connection with JMARC activities. We will let you know if there are any changes in the re-entry dates shown and will give you the flight numbers, if possible. Martha Tharpe, WH/4/Political Action. *Carrillo, who arrived in the United States several months prior to the JMARC SP arrangements with I&N, has never been included in this arrangement since he had a visa. He is one of the top leaders in the JMARC project. It is hereby requested that when he arrives in New York from Mexico City on 28 June, I&N parole him under the SP plan, allowing him to retain his passport and giving him freedom of movement in the United States. Carrillo is a Cuban citizen, born in Habana 10 September 1912, and is a leader of the Montecristi group, Cuban opposition political party. You will note that he plans to return to Miami from New York on 2 July."
8/11/60, Contract Information and Checklist for "Joyce Pineinch" (June Cobb). Her project was JMARC, Case officer Jean Pierson, Permanent Station: Havana. Security Clearance: POA. Proposed Category: Contract Agent. The general description of her duties: "To penetrate Cuban government in an effort to obtain information on present and planned activities of the Castro regime. In the event she is determined to be under control of another service, she will be played as a double."
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 355 - August 15, 2011, Peter Kornbluh -,become%20the%20CIA's%20Chief%20Historian.&text=The%20CIA%20released%20only%20the,but%20Pfeiffer%20never%20circulated%20it.
Re 11/15/60: "In perhaps the most important revelation of the entire official history, the CIA task force in charge of the paramilitary assault did not believe it could succeed without becoming an open invasion supported by the U.S. military. On page 149 of Volume III, Pfeiffer quotes still-secret minutes of the Task Force meeting held on November 15, 1960, to prepare a briefing for the new President-elect, John F. Kennedy: “Our original concept is now seen to be unachievable in the face of the controls Castro has instituted,” the document states. “Our second concept (1,500-3000 man force to secure a beach with airstrip) is also now seen to be unachievable, except as a joint Agency/DOD action.” This candid assessment was not shared with the President-elect then, nor later after the inauguration. As Pfeiffer points out, “what was being denied in confidence in mid-November 1960 became the fact of the Zapata Plan and the Bay of Pigs Operation in March 1961”—run only by the CIA, and with a force of 1,200 men."