Cryptonym: GPFOCUS
This 1993 CIA document lists various crypts and their definitions. GPFOCUS is identified as "Kennedy, Robert F." As stated in Our Man in Mexico, by Jefferson Morley, p. 120: In CIA communications, RFK was dubbed GPFOCUS. He focused what Helms described as "relentless pressure" on the agency.
November 1961: "Robert Kennedy also produced a personal Bay of PIgs report to the President, which he discussed with McCone in late November 1961. The Attorney General was especially critical of Richard Bissell, Deputy Director of Plans, because Bissell had told the President the operation was likely to succeed. Robert Kennedy was also highly critical of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for spending only twenty minutes studying the planned operation before making its first report to the President endorsing the operation...(McCone) believed the CIA and JCS had to bear special responsibility for advising the new President to go ahead, since at that time these were the only two Washington organizations dealing with international affairs which possessed complete continuity...MONGOOSE represented McCone's first working encounter with Robert Kennedy...(McCone realized RFK was) a dynamic force with a keen interest in the intelligence community, as well as a strong influence on the President. McCone became quite close to him."
1994.06.22.16:55:12:380005: Reel 64, Folder G - CRC MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES, JUNE 62 - JANUARY 64.
1/26/63, cable from JMWAVE to Director: AMBUD-1 and Ernest Aragon understand that Artime and Ruiz Williams have a meeting with GPFOCUS in Washington on 1/25/63.
Re 2/1/63: Cable WAVE 4842 states: "19 Feb. subj ref (note: Peggy?) reported that on CA Feb 10 Manuel Artime disclosed to her some details of conversations with (RFK) in Miami CA Feb 1 Artime stated he had instructions from (RFK) to withdraw from CRC/AMBUD and was informed by (RFK) that latter would supply him with whatever funds were needed to carry on his activities...Artime also confided in source that although (RFK) wanted him to get out of CRC now, perhaps at some later date he would advise Artime to rejoin.
4/24/63 report to the Attorney General, Eyes Only; Thomas Hughes of State, and the White House Situation Room: Jose Antonio Hernandez suggested at the meeting that the CRC had fulfilled its function and should disband. Tony Varona disagreed, and many officers agreed with him. See 104-10227-10397: The information was supplied by AMOT-20, an officer fiduciary responsibilities with an anti-Castro organization in exile, obtained from Jose Antonio Hernandez, vice-president of FORDC.
October 1963: In this amazing "cover" document, DAINOLD (CIA officer Desmond Fitzgerald) represented himself to Rolando Cubela (AMLASH-1) as the personal representative of GPFOCUS (Robert Kennedy), when discussing with Cubela the assassination of Fidel Castro. CIA Deputy Director Richard Helms later testified that Robert Kennedy was not informed of this use of his name.
10/29/63, JMWAVE to Director: "National Directorate of JURE believes GPFOCUS wants (to) assist JURE. (CIA) which opposed to JURE somehow is in on arrangement and capable sabotaging their plans although GPIDEAL has personally authorized assistance to JURE." The CIA crypt for JURE was AMBANG. Bill Harvey's executive assistant Sam Halpern was scornful of "the boom and bang" policy that Halpern attributed to RFK and General Edward Lansdale. Lansdale worked with Harvey on Operation MONGOOSE.
"13 Nov (1963) AMRAZZ-1, Eloy (Gutierrez) Menoyo, (exiled dentist, Dr. Luis) Duany and Esteban (Zorrilla) Jr. met at (Enrique Ruiz Williams') home...Ruiz said (he) had no doubt GPIDEAL/JFK would resolve problem (re Cuba' future) before elections...Ruiz said he coordinator between offices of this country and (Cuban) groups. Had dedicated himself (to) smoothing things over after GPFOCUS and AMBIDDY-1 had strong discussions following prisoner release. After Ruiz talked with GPFOCUS twice, the latter received AMBIDDY-1/Artime again in ZRMETAL/Washington DC...Ruiz was asked whether AMBIDDY-1 affair could be (US) maneuver to put AMBIDDY-1 out of the way by submerging him in Nicaragua...Ruiz replied anything possible...(also said) it would be difficult for anybody to stop AMBIDDY-1."
12/11/63 from ACSI Col. R.D. Albro, Director of Foreign Intelligence to Joseph Califano, Secretary of the Army: "Mr. Robert Kennedy did confer on 17 November with Manuel ARTIME Buesa (and others)...They were also scheduled to meet with Robert Kennedy on either 21 or 22 November 1963...this office has no information whether Mr. Kennedy is aware of ARTIME's alleged recruiting activity." ARTIME was supposedly recruiting former Bay of Pigs associates "to resign their US Army commission and go with him to a revolutionary camp in Nicaragua."
FBI 62-109060 JFK HQ File, Section A24
8/29/69, Muhammad Speaks newspaper, reporter Joe Walker interview with Mark Lane. Lane states that two RFK messages were sent to Garrison during 1968 - both of them included the phrase "I can't say anything now. There are guns between me and the White House." The article also said that the jury swung as a group away from a guilty verdict to a not guilty verdict based on Perry Russo's testimony that a meeting discussing the assassination was not a conspiracy, it was a "bull session".