Cryptonym: DEVISTA-1
DEVISTA-1 appeared to be either involved, or was intended to be involved, in a proposed black letter writing operation in 1965.
In terms of Carlo Coccioli, a cable on January 14, 1967, mentioned that Leehold had a successful one hour meeting with Victor Rico Galan at Lecumberri Penitentiary on the morning of January 13th. Zeno B. Leehold had a letter introducing himself as an Italian writer for "Corrispondenza Socialista," and as an acquaintance of Carlo Coccioli, an Italian pro-Communist journalist, who was friends with Rico in Mexico, and who was currently in Europe. Leehold was a pseudonym for Italian journalist Luigi de Marchi. Carlo Coccioli fits the profile of DEVISTA-1 in terms of being an Italian Communist journalist.
However, an article on the internet stated that Coccioli moved to Mexico in 1953 and remained there for the rest of his life. This obituary seems to indicate that this was at least fairly accurate:
A cable on October 17, 1963, mentioned that DEVISTA-1 was getting a boat from Genoa.
See 104-10093-10130 - on 10/24/63, Mexico City request for true name and language abilities of DEVISTA-1, asked him to use alias of "Mariano".
10/17/63: Cable from Director to Mexico City (Orig: L. Armstrong, Unit: SAS/EDE): Slugline DYVOUR PBRUMEN DEVISTA: "1. DEVISTA/1, Italian leftist-known journalist, preparing depart on South American reporting junket with emphasis on our Cuban requirements, expects enter Cuba via Mexico. Departure date indefinite but might be as early as 26 October aboard Italian Galileo Ferraris which sails Genoa arriving La Guaira, Venezuela, about 15 days later. 2. If Rome concurs, request MEXI contact prior departure for island to afford agent final briefing and last minute requirements. Because cover for DEVISTA/1's trip includes visits to other South American countries, after Cuban visit, would propose MEXI prepare meet agent on his way out and conduct preliminary debriefing. Request Rome cable MEXI approval if above okay, plus physical description agent and background. 3. Experience of DEVISTA/1 has been in economic political social fields consequently rqmts must fit his competence. These areas however, agent should be alert our more important rqmts military field in hopes he may develop access once on ground. Has capability and cover for ground photography. 4. Request STA furnish Rome with contact plan info HQs. Prepare afford emergency funding of agent if necessary. 5. Rome: Approval pay DEVISTA/1 up to $1,000 for expenses and up to $1,000 bonus upon return Rome provided he able successfully satisfy our requirements. Charge 4136-6300-5994 (info on cost symbol to follow). Consider he not able justify more than month inside. HQs cannot support his extended tour through South America and considers if he desires make such trip it be at conclusion of Cuban trip. DEVISTA/1's plans reach Mexico from La Guaira by rail and car completely impossible. Must plan fly since roads and rails between points practically nonexistent. Suggest he go MEXI quickly as possible consistent good cover and accomplish Cuban assignment first..."
10/22/63: Cable from Director to Rome: "1. Subject's trip Cuba appears have possibilities and consequently of obvious interest HQs. As result trip worth what it costs. Since no estimate these costs received from field HQs has no way judge accounts. Request STA present estimate logical amount for HQs approval. 2. Assume agent will have viable cover justify amounts of his expenditures but requested he be warned conduct himself as if on limited budget not arouse suspicion. C/S Comment: *If larger sum than $1,000 not possible, felt it extremely dubious DEVISTA/1 will agree make trip."
11/01/63: Cable from Director to Mexico City, Rome, SALV: REF: SALV 4839 (IN 63096): "If PCI does not give DEVISTA-1 contacts in SALV, Station should pass to DEVISTA-1 only first four names of above ref. WH/Comment: Suggested Communists as possible contacts DEVISTA-1."
11/15/63: Cable from Director to Mexico City: "1. Please have DEVISTA-1 ask PCI for Communist contacts in Central American countries he plans to visit. Major interest to get contacts in El Salvador (SALV) due HQs lack recent info on CP SALV. 2. Station SALV has been asked to cable Rome names of SALV leading leftists which Station wishes DEVISTA-1 to contact. These contacts should be used unless he gets better contacts from PCI. 3. Requirements on SALV Communism: Names of leaders and key functionaries. Number of members, number of sympathizers, plans and activities, relationship between SALV CP and Frente Unido de Accion Revolucionario (FUAR a leftist group). Plans and activities of FUAR leaders. 4. OIRA 35588 suggests PACY contact Subject at Cristobal because it will be great psychological factor and morale builder knowing he supported all the way. PACY 1254 states PACY prefers no contact unless necessary. But HQs urges PACY contact if possible. Advise. 5. Suggest DEVISTA not enter Honduras, Nicaragua or Guatemala due to present political conditions. 6. MEXI: please debrief SUBJ on above requirements on arrival in MEXI, prior final Cuban briefings. WH/Comment: *DEVISTA-1, unilateral asset and Italian Communist journalist, sailing on (Unintelligible) Versi, 25 Nov. for Latin America reporting tour with emphasis on Cuban Rqms."
12/04/63: Cable from Director to Mexico City, Panama City: "1. PACY please forward MEXI and HQs best estimate DEVISTA itinerary. Desire he be available several days MEXI so he can be thoroughly briefed within framework his cover. 2. George J. Hornbeck will be available for briefing which can then be done DEVISTA's own language, if this agreeable MEXI. CS/Comment: *Please have DEVISTA-1 ask PCI for Communist contacts in Central American countries he plans to visit." (Note: Earlier version of this RIF# is easier to read.)
12/09/63: Cable from Mexico City to Director: Slugline TYPIC PBRUMEN DEVISTA-1: "No objection Hornbeck briefing. C/S Comment: *"Hornbecker will be available for briefing in DEVISTA's own language."
05/12/64: Cable from Director to Rome: Slugline KEYWAY PBRUMEN DEVISTA: "1. AMMUG (Vladimir Lahera Rodriguez) recent defector from DGI (Cuban External Intel Service) has tentatively identified David Enriques who contacted DEVISTA inside Cuba as Saul Gonzales Denis. About 28 years of age, six feet, wears sun glasses at all times but not for reading. Address Calle 15, No. 1420 Apt #3 Vedado. 2. According AMMUG, Gonzales went to Rome via Paris in March 1964 and returned first April. G. is involved illegal ops for DGI. 3. Can Rome trace travel; obtain photo; check DEVISTA whether contacted by Enriques again or recognizes photo. No objection ask DEVIGIL for travel and photo. 4. FYI AMMUG has identified numerous DGI STA PERS and agents in other countries some of whom may be recruitable and others of whom may be arrested. If DGI learns AMMUG is in CIA hands DGI may take action which could impede recruitments and arrests. Accordingly in handling para 5, only caveat is to conceal that info, on which para 3 request is based, came from recent Cuban defector." The second page of this cable is contained here:
104-10221-10004: GALAN, VICTOR RICO, 201-336474
06/23/65: Cable from Mexico City: REF MEXI 3471 (IN 95519): "1. Following from LIFEAT coverage Victor Rico Galan and Carlo Coccioli 16 June 1965: A. Rico to Coccioli. Latter stated that Orengo (phonetic-presumably Sarler Orengo of ref) received telegram from Achietieri (possibly Aget Co.) yesterday authorizing and pressuring him to go to Cuba to 'present this this question in which you are helping us, I would like you (Rico) to get maximum moral benefit. Orengo needs a visa; he is apolitical, on neither side. He will need a visa to go to talk to whomever you say.' Coccioli would recommend that Orengo talk to Alejo Carpentier but 'this is simply a political question.' Rico says he took up this matter I should put him in contact with the ambassador. He is staying at Hotel Maria Cristina. Coccioli says he is a very good friend, has been one for many years. Coccioli wants to give him (Orengo) precise instructions, as Rico should indicate, also that the Casa Schet (phonetic-possibly Aget) would be interested for you to make the book.' Rico says no. Would prefer this to be done, for other reasons which they will discuss later. Rico will phone embassy and try to arrange interview with ambassador for tomorrow. Rico will take him to talk to ambassador who speaks French. Coccioli does not want to get mixed up in this matter. He would accompany this man with pleasure because Coccioli could explain to ambassador sincerely what is behind all this. This man is technical attaché of the Direction General de Achats (?) and he knows all about Castro to date. He was sent precisely for Achats purchases (?). B. Rico to Coccioli: Rico had to go by (Cuban) Embassy because phones were blocked. Talked with ambassador and will expect them on Friday (18 June) at 1700. Rico and Coccioli discuss Cubana schedules and need for visa which Rico explains has to be requested from Havana..."
08/16/65: Cable from Director to Withheld (Orig: Withheld, Unit: SR/CA): Slugline LARKSPUR: "1. Primary objective is stir up dissension among western Communists. 2. DEVISTA/1 black letter seems suitable vehicle for adequate surfacing this letter since it genuine and already in hands several upper echelon PCI leaders. *Comment: Ref re distribution of black letter."
12/06/65: Dispatch from Chief of Withheld to Chief, SR (Info: Chief, WE) (Attn: Chief, WE/4): Subject: REDWOOD/AERODYNAMIC/DEVISTA Surfacing Full Ukrainian Letter Text: "1. (REDACTION) reports DEVISTA/1 has established working relationship, using alias, with Identity and is now in position to write article about Ukrainian letter for publication that paper. Article would probably be attributed to Identity's correspondent in other European city, for example, London or Paris, and likely to include only quotes, not full text. 2. Please advise HQs' interest in publicizing letter via this channel. (REDACTION)." - - - Page 3: "SEPARATE COVER IDEN: Il tempo."
104-10221-10002: GALAN RICO, VICTOR, 201-336474, VOL. III
01/14/67: Cable: REF: MEXICO CITY 9890 (IN 75995)* "1. Leehold (Italian journalist Luigi de Marchi) had successful one hour meeting with Rico Galan at Lecumberri Penitentiary morning 13 January. Meeting ended abruptly by call from director of prison that lawyer there to see Rico. 2. Leehold had letter introducing himself as Italian writer for 'Corrispondenza Socialista' and as acquaintance of Carlo Coccioli, Italian pro-commie journalist who friend of Rico in Mexico and who currently in Europe. As result Rico assumed and accepted Leehold as fellow Marxist and friendly rapport established immediately. Most probable that Rico expressed his real thoughts in discussion and answer to questions. 3. In brief, Rico revealed himself as convinced, unrepentant, fervent revolutionary seeing violent revolution 'indispensable' throughout Latin America since peaceful road to necessary changes 'blocked everywhere.' Described Mexico as 'apparent democracy but really police state tightly held,' where strength of 'popular movements' on the rise. Expressed confidence that revolution will win in Guatemala and Venezuela. Characterized Castro as great revolutionary leader and tactician but not able play role as liberator of Latin America since he is too dependent on Soviets who tightly control him...4. COS and Leehold briefed LIENVOY/2 (Luis Echeverria Alvarez) after meeting. Believe Mexicans pleased and appreciative that meeting confirmed their assessment of Rico as unrepentant revolutionary. Leehold attempting see Rico again afternoon 13 Jan. 5. Leehold ETA Washington 14 January Eastern 904. Please advise wife. (Handwritten: *(Unintelligible) has put LIENVOY/2 in contact with Leehold."
Article on the website by A. Garzon del Camino on Fabrizio Lupo Carlo Coccioli (translated from Italian): "Translation by: Fabrizio Lupo Carlo Coccioli (1920-2003), Italian writer, graduated in Oriental languages and literature. He participated as a soldier in the Italian Resistance during World War II; He lived in Mexico from 1953 until his death, where he collaborated as a columnist for the Excelsior newspaper and Siempre magazine. In 2006, the Carlo Coccioli House of Culture Museum, in Mexico City, was inaugurated in his honor. Most of his writings deal with issues related to extreme cases of love, expressed in religious contexts or in relationships between homosexual or heterosexual couples. From his extensive literary production his novels stand out and to a lesser extent his theater and essays. Among the former are The Best and the Last (1946), The Difficult Hope (1947), Heaven and Earth (1950), Fabrizio Lupo (1952), The image and the seasons (1953), Manuel the Mexican (1956), El peijarro blanco (1958), Yo, Cuauhtémoc (1964), San Benjamín Perro (1998). In theater, Los fanáticos (1959) and El Esperado (1970) stand out. In an essay, one can mention The Ayatola's sentence (1989)." - - - Carlo Coccioli was mentioned on page 4 of this document: ..."Anti-Semitism: Two negative incidents in the national press were surprising: one, in June, was a notorious article by Carlo Coccioli linking President Bill Clinton's personal problems to the Jews. Coccioli argued that the failure of the U.S. Jewish community to dissociate itself from Monica Lewinsky, a Jew, was proof of Jewish involvement in the scandal. Recognized Jewish journalists and private persons protested Coccioli's analysis in the press..."