Cryptonym: AVBUZZ-4
Moreover, a CRC memo on February 9, 1962 stated that "at my meeting with Dr. Miro Cardona, he brought me the attached memorandum which he said had been given to him in Montevideo by Victor Gutierrez Salmador, who works there under the orders of Francisco Ordonez. Both of these men apparently are Spaniards and are working in the anti-Castro cause in Uruguay. Dr. Miro said that he understood that Gutierrez Salmador had already presented this proposal in Montevideo at an earlier date to the United States representative."
1994.06.18.10:34:30:500005: Reel 67, Folder K - AMBUD ((DELETION)) MEMOS.
02/09/62: Memo for record No. 199: SUBJECT: Proposal for Latin American Movement for the Liberation of Cuba: "1. At my meeting with Dr. Miro Cardona, he brought me the attached memorandum which he said had been given to him in Montevideo by Victor Gutierrez Salmador, who works there under the orders of Francisco Ordonez. Both of these men apparently are Spaniards and are working in the anti-Castro cause in Uruguay. Dr. Miro said that he understood that Gutierrez Salmador had already presented this proposal in Montevideo at an earlier date to the United States representative. However, he gave this to Dr. Miro with a view to getting the latter's interest in the proposal. Dr. Miro handled it to me and said it was something that I might want to look over when I had time to do so; that it was a very extensive plan and just in the propaganda aspects would cost about 15 million dollars. Following is a translation of this memorandum..."
02/26/62: Dispatch from COS, Montevideo to Chief, WH: Subject: Miro Cardona letters to AVBUZZ-1 and AVBUZZ-4: "Forwarded under separate cover for addressees are copies of highly complimentary letter written by Miro to the Station's principal KUCAGE (CIA Psychological and Paramilitary Operations Staff) operations, praising them on their performances in supporting the (unintelligible) Movement at the Punta del Este Conference. Needless to say Miro's comments were greatly appreciated by AVBUZZ-1 and AVBUZZ-4, both of whom have the highest regard for Miro's leadership ability and dignified direction of the free Cuban cause. William C. Busweiler." - - - Page 2: Letter from Jose Miro Cardona to Victor Gutierrez Salmador (unredacted): "Don Paco" and "Rosete" have also been unredacted. See April 2018 release: - - - Page 3: Letter from Jose Miro Cardona to Francisco Ordonez (unredacted): "Don Paco" also unredacted. See April 2018 release:
10/18/63: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to COS, Montevideo: ..."2. The third report, however, is of perhaps more direct and current interest to Station Montevideo. The subject of same is Francisco Ordonez, whom Ledon describes as working for KUBARK (CIA) in Montevideo and as having aroused suspicious of anti-Communists circles in Montevideo due to his strange associations and activities. Ledon proceeds to point out several of the incidents which have aroused this suspicion. Ledon states that Ordonez is well known as being employed by KUBARK, has no cover for his activities and adds that his office is generally known as the extension of ODACID (U.S. State Department), Montevideo. 3. Station JMWAVE file traces which appear identifiable with the individuals mentioned in the report on Ordonez are also forwarded under separate cover. There are no Station traces on Ordonez."
1994.06.22.16:55:12:380005: Reel 64, Folder G - CRC MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES, JUNE 62 - JANUARY 64.
Memo on Francisco Ordonez (possibly by Horacio Ledon mentioned above): "Francisco Ordonez, contact or liaison man in Uruguay, between the American Intelligence or Information organizations and the different groups, organizations, individuals etc. that work against Communism. For his background, Mr. Ordonez has aroused suspicion among many anti-communist circles in Montevideo, through the 'Orlov' group which, according to those circles, used to operate under the direction of the NKVD (Peoples' Commissariat for Internal Affairs) during the Spanish Civil War, they have shown themselves reluctant to cooperate with him. They say that this background still presses on his political conscience and, most of all, on his 'modus operandi'...It was also helped by the general belief that Mr. Ordonez actually was a CIA agent. But the worst thing is that many people began to suspect or distrust the loyalty either of Ordonez himself or any of his collaborators...It is also noted that he lacks of an adequate cover, since everyone consider him a CIA agent. Even the people that work for him, openly say that they receive money from North American sources. His office in Montevideo, (San Jose 1283) is considered by its large number of non-communist enemies, as an extension of the American Embassy..."