Cryptonym: AMWOLF-1
A memo from Oscar C. Kalbing on October 5, 1972, mentioned that AMCHALK-5 was "much more optimistic about his chances with AMWOLF-1 than I am." Furthermore, several documents on AMWOLF-1 contained the 201 number of 201-824376, which was assigned to Pedro Luis Pinero Airin.
An FBI report in June, 1969, stated that this was Pinero's 201 number, and that he was currently a third secretary of the Cuban Mission to the United Nations (CMUN), New York City. It was also believed that Pinero was a Cuban intelligence officer, who used the pseudonym of "Marcelino" in contacts with an unnamed Cuban exile living in Miami.
10/11/63: CIA document: Page 13: ..."326. Araos Agero, Eduardo (201-840126)..." - - - This 1973 CIA document also assigned Araos (spelled Araoz here) the 201 number mentioned above, as well as describing him as "DGI & WL":
06/25/69: Miami FBI report: Titled: Pedro Luis Pinero Airin: Internal Security - Cuba (handwritten: 201-824376): "Pedro Luis Pinero Airin is a third secretary of the Cuban Mission to the United Nations (CMUN), New York City, residing at 401 East 71th Street, apartment 5K, New York City. On June 4, 1969, source, a Cuban exile residing in Miami, Florida, furnished the following information: Around the beginning of January, 1969, he received a communication from a close relative in Cuba asking source to telephone her urgently. Source then telephoned his relative in Cuba who told him she was sending source a letter through a man named 'Marcelino' who would be traveling to the United States in a few days: that this letter had some information of importance to both of them. Two or three weeks later, around the beginning of February, 1969, source received a telephone call from a man identifying himself as 'Marcelino', saying he had just arrived from Cuba and was then at the Freedom House in Miami. Source asked 'Marcelino' to wait there so he could meet him and to pick up the letter from his relative in Cuba. 'Marcelino' replied that this was not possible because he was leaving for New York at that moment, but would contact the source as soon as he arrived in New York...On June 23, 1969, source advised that he met 'Marcelino' in New York on June 22, 1969. He picked out a photograph of Pedro Luis Pinero Airin as the person who met him and introduced himself as 'Marcelino.' When source first saw 'Marcelino' at the meeting site he was accompanied by a person whom source identified from a photograph as Miguel M. Santana Fraiz. As of June 1, 1969, Santana Fraiz is listed as an attaché with the CMUN, who resides...New York City. Source stated Santana Fraiz was not introduced to him, but was actually standing at a distance from Pinero Airin, apparently acting as a lookout..."
09/02/69: Intelligence Information Report: Subject: The Organization of the Cuban General Directorate of Intelligence. COUNTRY: Cuba. DOI: 1965-March 1969. ACQ: 31 March-15 July 1969: ..."United Nations: 20. The United Nations desk supports the activities of the Cuban Mission to the United Nations in New York (CMUN/NY) where most of the officials are DGI officers...21. The COC at the CMUN/NY is either Jose Raul Viera Linares or Orlando Prendes Gutierrez. Both were assigned to the UN desk under Section III (Illegals) at DGI headquarters in 1966. 22. The following are the DGI officers now at the CMUN/NY: DGI Position Pseudonym: Possible 'Gomez' COC. True Name: (Jose Raul Viera Linares). Official Cover: Counsellor; Possible 'Oberto' COC. Orlando Prendez Gutierrez. First Secretary; Officer. Rogelio Rodriguez Lopez. First Secretary...Officer. (Pedro Luis Pinero Eirin); Officer. (Miguel Manuel Santana Fraiz). Attaché... 23...All of the officers listed in paragraph 22, except Boza and Santana, were officers of Section III (Illegals) in 1966. Gelbert (Justo Cesar Gelbert Martinez), who received training in the USSR, and Pinero both were members of the CIA and Counter-Revolution office in 1966...24. DGI officers formerly stationed at the CMUN/NY are: 'Rolo Martinez' (Chafik Homero Saker Zenni), who was First Secretary from 1965-67.; (Jose Manuel Galardy Alarcon), who was Third Secretary from 1965-68; and 'Julian' (Jesus Jimenez Escobar) who was First Secretary from 1967-69..."
104-10225-10009: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5.
07/00/72: Cable from WH/Miami to Director, Madrid: Slugline AKULE TYPIC AMWOLF: "1. Pachankis (probably Jack Stewart) recontacted AMCHALK-5 (Miguel Angel Diaz Isalgue) 17 July. No problems arose as AMCHALK-5 recalled Pachankis from previous ops contacts. 2. AMCHALK-5 knows very little of AMWOLF-1's present professional or personal background. However, from the two contacts he had with AMWOLF-1 he described latter as intelligent, capable, affable and someone who could listen to reason. AMCHALK-5 stated he still believes AMWOLF-1 recruitable although he admits this based on previous assessment and this could not be changed. 3. AMCHALK-5 willing assist us in any way. He feels he in good position make pitch (if we so desire) because AMWOLF-1 knows where he stands and who he is and, most important AMWOLF-1 will know this not another test by his own security people. This latter point, according to AMCHALK-5 terrifies most PBRUMEN (Cuba) officials. 4. Meeting terminated amenably with Pachankis making no commitments except to say that they would meet again...5. Re AMWOLF-1 in-laws. Pachankis reports they not willing make phone call as they feel phone call will only increase problems for AMWOLF-1. 6. File: 201-840126 and 201-307337."
104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5
08/15/72: Memo from Withheld, WH/COG/FI to Chief, WH/COG: Subject: Proposal to Continue Attempt to Establish Channel/Dialogue With AMGHOST-1 (201-810126): "1. As a follow-up measure to our attempt to establish a channel to AMGHOST-1 by using AMGHOST-2 on 10 August in (REDACTION) I propose that we establish an operation with the (unintelligible) and; on this occasion, however, I propose that at this stage we use AMWOLF-1 as our secure channel to AMGHOST-1...4. The place for the meeting between AMCHALK-5 (Miguel Angel Diaz Isalgue) and Araoz would be in Madrid, Spain, at a place mutually convenient to both...5. The purpose of this operation is to establish a channel of communications/dialogue with AMGHOST-1. 6. This operation involves AMCHALK-5's passing of a sealed envelope with a message in it for AMWOLF-1's unopened transmittal to AMGHOST-1. AMCHALK-5's instructions would be pass the sealed and unopened communication to AMWOLF-1. AMCHALK-5 would then tell AMWOLF-1 that the message must be transmitted directly without tampering or being opened to AMGHOST-1. AMCHALK-5 would add that AMGHOST-1 is waiting for this communication. (FYI: Director 147293, dated 10 June 1971, paragraph 2 noted that AMWOLF-1 was contact man in (REDACTION) effort recruit AMCHALK-5 in June 1967). 7. The message to AMCHALK-5 follows: M. We arranged to meet 'Pushkin' recently but you apparently called the meeting off...L. 8. I believe that our chances for success in this operation are reasonably good for the following reasons: (a) AMCHALK-5 is sufficiently courageous to meet AMWOLF-1 in the Cuban Ambassador's office in Madrid if necessary; (b) AMWOLF-1 is a trusted colleague and follower of AMGHOST-1...(c) AMGHOST-1 from all available reporting, background material, SI traffic, we have reason to believe that AMGHOST-1 is not held in the confidence of the Soviets nor does he respect their presence in Cuba, a presence which can only be interpreted as promising difficulties for AMGHOST-1.."
104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5
09/18/72: Cable from Madrid to Director, WH/Miami: Slugline AKULE TYPIC: REF: WH/MIAMI 15782 (IN 708738): "1. QUTIMID reports AMWOLF-1 and family probably returning home PCS in February. This has not been confirmed by other sources. Believe it best to schedule first week in October, from point of view here this would be best time. 2. Have had loose surveillance on AMWOLF-1 from time to time and plan to increase coverage over the net several weeks. 3. File: 201-307337."
104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5
10/05/72: Memo for the record from Oscar C. Kalbing. Subject: Meeting with AMCHALK-5. Time and Place: Miami, 3 and 4 October: "1. I met AMCHALK-5 (Miguel Angel Diaz Isalgue) at 1430 hours at the Rusty Pelican Restaurant. I told him we would like to have him travel immediately in order to arrive in (REDACTION) by 9 October. AMCHALK-5 said he could make it with no problem...I briefed him on the contact arrangements sent from (REDACTION) and described Wibalda (probably Robert Wall) to him. I told him Wibalda's name is 'Roberto'...2. I told AMCHALK-5 that Wibalda would have the letter for AMGHOST-1 for him to take to the meeting, and I told him again not to use the letter unless his recruitment pitch had no results. If he does pass the letter, I suggested that he flex it to prove to AMWOLF-1 that it does not contain a bomb. 3. I told AMCHALK-5 that it looked good for a surprise contact with AMWOLF-1 on 10 October because he would be going to a lunch with a woman not connected with his office...5. If the contact is made next week, AMCHALK-5 will be back before Pachankis (probably Jack Stewart) is. I said we would want to debrief him in Miami and that either I would see him or Pachankis would. I said that if Pachankis talks to him, he can tell Pachankis the complete details of the operation unless I phoned him otherwise...7. I wished AMCHALK-5 good luck. He is much more optimistic about his chances with AMWOLF-1 than I am...Just in case AMCHALK-5 should be successful, we should be prepared to support him. I suggest that we cable Madrid telling them what and how much we are willing to offer should AMWOLF-1 be interested in defecting. I told AMCHALK-5 that he could promise asylum, but I did not tell him how much money he could offer as an inducement for either recruitment in place or defection."
104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5
10/10/72: Contact report from Withheld, C/WH/COG/FI: Meeting With AMCHALK-5: Time and Place: Kennedy Airport, New York, Saturday 7 October 1972: "1. I met AMCHALK/5 at the airport and spent three hours with him between flights. I passed him the note from C/COG for delivery to his contact in Madrid station. This note confirmed what I told AMCHALK-5 orally concerning the amount of money that could be offered AMWOLF-1 for his defection or recruitment. 2. I briefed AMCHALK-5 on the contact arrangements and operational plan proposed by Madrid. AMCHALK-5 is still confident that he will have success in his contact with AMWOLF-1."
104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5
10/00/72: Cable from Madrid to Director, WH/Miami: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC: "1. Through QUEYE surveillance it was determined on 16 October that AMWOLF/1 left the consulate alone and went to his apartment. On the basis of this alert, positioned AMCHALK/5 (Miguel Angel Diaz Isalgue) near garage where AMWOLF/1 parks his car. 2. At 1656 hours 16 October when AMWOLF/1 left the garage, AMCHALK/5 was able to stop him half a block from his apartment and carried on a six minute conversation. Initially AMWOLF/1 was cold, visually upset but later became jovial. At first insisted that AMCHALK/5 come to the consulate or call him to set up meeting. However, AMCHALK/5 insisted they talk then and AMWOLF/1 agreed. After AMCHALK/5 made the pitch, AMWOLF/1 reacted by saying 'these Johnies have everything and now they really stepped on me.' AMWOLF/1 ended the conversation by again asking AMCHALK/5 to come to consulate or call him so they could have another talk. AMWOLF/1 returned to the car where his wife was waiting and started the motor and then stopped again and got out. He then had AMCHALK/5 come over and introduced his wife telling her that he had just been pitched on behalf of WODUAL (American or United States, but not US Government). She reacted by smiling pleasantly as if there was absolutely nothing wrong with what happened. 3. AMCHALK/5 commented to case officer that he did not think AMWOLF/1 would change his position now..."
104-10225-10012: CIA FILE ON ( )SHELL-5
10/19/72: Cable from Mexico City to Madrid, Director (Info: WH/Miami): Slugline TYPIC AMWOLF: REF: DIRECTOR 326678 (handwritten note: "Travel of Pedro Pinero"): "1. FYI: (REDACTION) name does not appear on any airline manifests departing Mexico City for Madrid or other European cities between 13-17 Oct. Will attempt monitor possible onward travel. 2. File: AMWOLF-1 (handwritten below: 201-840126), AMCHALK-5 (handwritten below: 201-307337), 201-0824376 (note: Pedro Luis Pinero Airin's 201 number)." - - - The three 201 numbers contained in this cable were also included in a cable the day previously, on October 18, 1972: