Cryptonym: AMWHIP-1
104-10183-10410: MEMO: TEPEDINO, CARLOS
Re 1959-1965: Memo describes Tepedino as a 40 year old married male who is a citizen of Cuba; cooperating with the Agency since 1959, living in the USA since 1961. Used as a covert FI asset, 201-211900. In interrogation, said that he had not told (Cuban Ambassador to Paris) Carrillo about his relationship with American intelligence. (p. 8) He believed that Cubela/AMLASH-1 was cooperating with Cuban intelligence, but sincere in his desire to overthrow Castro. (p. 7). September 1965 memo.
104-10065-10094: AMLASH OPERATION
Re March 1961: "(The) relationship between CIA and AMLASH-1, prior to Oswald's assassination of President Kennedy, was so insubstantial and inconclusive that it provided no basis for AMLASH-1 to feel that he had any tangible support for plotting against March 1961, AMLASH-1 was met in Mexico City by a CIA officer stationed there...the meeting was arranged by AMWHIP-1, a long-time friend of AMLASH-1." Late 70s post-Church Committee memo.
10/17/63 cable: "On 22 Oct (AMWHIP-1 and AMLASH) plan go (to) Rome where AMWHIP-1 will contact station. Tenatively plan stay three days in Rome. AMWHIP will report Venegas activities to Rome (case officer). ETA back Paris 30 Cot. Suggest forthcoming Dainold/Desmond FitzGerald visit might offer opportunity to satisfy AMLASH-1 desire (to) talk to high level (US) official."
Note, probably from 1965: "A study of refs indicates Carrillo responding WHIP's inquiries freely. This gives rise to several suppositions: (Carrillo) knows of the WHIP/AMLASH-1 relationship and is part of the LASH/AMEIJEIRAS/()ELOPE/()TEAM, although WHIP doesn't know this, which seems unlikely; or suspects that WHIP is in contact with the Americans and, in line with his own - Carrillo's -- assistance to Fidel Castro in the attempted rapprochment with the USA, is attempting to cooperate by answering WHIP's innocuous questions about who is who and in what position with the GOC (Government of Cuba)..."
List of government officials - apparently from AMWHIP-1 - outline probably created to "split the regime" which was a focus of Bill Harvey and his assets like Carlos Tepedino/AMWHIP and Rolando Cubela/AMLASH: President Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado, who was also head of JUCEPLAN (Economic Planning Board) and on the board of the governing entity known as PURS; Prime Minister Fidel Castro Ruz; Minister of Armed Forces Raul Castro Ruz; Minister of Communications Jesus Montane Oropesa; Minister of Construction Osmani Cienfuegos Gorriaran; Minister of Education Armando Hart Davalos/probably AMLAW-1; Minister of Finance Luis Alvares Rom; Minister of Foreign Affairs Raul Roa y Garcia; Minister of Public Health Jose Ramon Machado Ventura; Minister of Industry Ernesto "Che" Guevara Serna; Minister of Internal Trade Manuel Luzardo Garcia; Minister of Justice Alfredo Yabur Maluf; Minister of Labor Augusto Martinez Sanchez (crossed out and replaced with Basilio Rodriguez Rodriguez); Minister of Sugar Orlando Barrego Diaz; Minister of Transport Faure Chomon y Mediavilla; Chief of INRA (Agrarian Reform) Carlos Rafael Rodriguez Rodriguez; President of National Bank Salvador Vilaseca y Fornes; President of Institute of Hydraulic Resources Faustino Perez Hernandez...
104-10247-10444: LIST:CUBAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS (continued)
Military leaders: First Vice Minister of MINFAR Juan Almeida Bosque; Chief of General Staff of Cuban Army Sergio del Valle Jiminez; Chief of General Army Calito Garcia Martinez; Chief of Western Army Guillermo Garcia Fries; Chief of Eastern Army Reyneiro Jiminez Lage; Commanding officer of Isle of Pines Antonio Sanchez Diaz (aka 'El Pinero') Chief of Military Operations on Isle of Pines Victor Bordon Machado; Chief of Artillery, MINFAR Pedro Miret Prieto; Vice Minister for Special Affairs Salarmino Castilla Mas; Chief of Popular Defense Militia since June 1963 Felipe Guerra Matos; Navy; Chief, Cuban Navy Rolando Diaz Austerain (as of Nov. 1963); Commanding Officer of Benes Naval Base Juan Miguel Ignarra Matarran; Chief of Staff of the Cuban Navy Exigido, Elyidio Baez Vigo...Chief of Air Force Raul Curbelo Morales..." Last two photos portray a military airplane and a seated man and woman.
Written during 1962 or so: "Important Men Not Clearly Aligned to the 26th of July or Communist Power: a. Regino Boti, Minister of National Economy; b. Armando Hart Davalos/probably AMLAW-1, Minister of Education; c. Alfredo Yabur Maluf, Minister of Justice; d. Carlos Lechuga Hevia/ANLAW-3, Ambassador to UN; e. Faure Chomon; f. Raul Prunilles, Cuban Delegate to the UN; g. Ambassador Garcia Inchaustegui, until recently head of the Cuban delegation to the UN; h. Rolando Cubela Secades/AMLASH-1, Ex-President of University Students; i. Dr. Rene Vallejo, Castro's personal physician; Governmental Structure: 1. Present Ruling Political Group: Integrated Revolutionary Organizations (Organizaciones Revolucionarias Integradas - ORI); 2. Future Political Ruling Group: United Party of the Socialist Revolution (Partido Unido de la Revoluciona Socialista - PURS); 3. Numericsl Groups of Power Groups on Ministerial Levels: a. 26th of July Movement - 8; b. PSP - Communist - 2 ; c. Revolutionary Directorate - 3. d. Fidel Castro Apppointment - (1) Raul Roa, Foreign Minister, (2) Rolando Diaz Asterian, Minister of Finance. D. The Implications to the Power Elements of Escalante's Purge: 1. The Purge of Anibal Escalante Dellunde, Executive Secretary of the PSP from the position of ____ in the ORI did not create a split between 'new' and 'old' communists. 2. Castro's reasons for purging Escalate were slmost certainly aimed at reassuring those 26th of July leaders who had fought for revolution but not communism...the only hope was not to split Fidel from PSP but to identify, at every opportunity, him and his government with communism, for only the non-communist element of the 26th of July Movement and the 'unaligned leaders of the government could effectively be split from the government...(continued)
there is reasonably good evidence that the following individuals do not approve of the communist direction of the Cuban government and may in fact be conspiring against the regime: a. Major Pedro Miret Prieto, commanding artillery unit; b. Ambassador Gustavo Arcos y Bergnes; c. Commander Sebastian Arcos, brother of Gustavo and a commander in the Cuban Navy. Has been in Prague for some time on a training mission; 4. Orlando Ventura Reyes; 5. Manuel Carbonell Duque; 6. Major Faustino Perez, former minister charged with the recovery of stolen properties; 8. Rolando Cubela/AMLASH-1...9. Juanita Castro/AMSTRUT-2, recruited, trained and returned to Cuba...; 10. Major Raul Jaime Diaz Arguelles...11. Raul Roa, Minister of Foreign Affairs...!2. President Osavldo Dorticos...our agent was 'forcibly' removed from the hotel where Dorticos was staying; 13. Jose Llanusa/AMHINT-12 - Director of Sports in Cuba and one-time 'Mayor' of Havana...14. Major Jose Ricardo Rabel Nunez/AMLEO-3, Chief of Rural Housing in Cuba refused to work in place in Cuba but will defect...15. REDACTED hired to recruit technicians for Cuban industry has been recruited...16. Mrs. Carlos Lechuga/wife of AMLAW-3 is expected to seek asylum and break her ties with her husband and Cuba toward the end of November 1962."