Cryptonym: AMSHATTER
A cable on November 21, 1963, mentioned the detention of Magda Volta, and there was also a reference to the possible seizure of some members of the AMSHATTER team during their exfiltration attempt on October 18th. There was also a mention of the AMSHATTER team picking up sabotage material on September 2, 1963, that Ronald Lippert had flown in to Cuba in late August. The cable stated that Cuban Intelligence appeared to have been aware of the ties between Lippert, Volta and the AMSHATTER team, but apparently chose not to reveal them publicly.
A cable on November 23, 1963, stated "canned sab gear picked up by AMSHATTER team 2 Sept believed delivered farm Leoncio Coto. However, exact location Coto farm not clear, (unintelligible) discovery Punto Bravo cache not necessarily AMSHATTERS. Plight or fate Coto not now known. Farmer subagent AMSHATTER team who known have fled when cache discovered was Delfin Cabo who managed from east Caibarien Las Villas where original AMSHATTER cache placed."
A report from Cuba on November 25, 1963, on the sentencing of Canadian citizen, Ronald Lippert, to thirty years in prison, mentioned that he had apparently received training from a CIA operative named Charlie Fallon (phonetic).
104-10172-10141: AMDENIM-1 PROGRESS REPORT 30 SEPTEMBER 1962
10/17/62: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W: Page 2: ..."4. In support of other Station interests AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) has spent considerable time preparing a study of strategic places in eastern PBRUMEN (Cuba) where the blowing of approximately five bridges would serve to divide the country into two parts and prevent the troops in one part from rapidly coming to the aid of troops in the other part. These efforts have been forwarded to Intel Support for development. He has also been on the lookout for fisherman leads which could be developed into ratlines for infiltrating agents and materiel. Two such leads appear very worthwhile, one is being utilized by the SHATTER Team and the other will probably be used by one of the Las Villas teams in preparation. He used AMLION-1 (Heriberto Sardina Del Campo) to good advantage in developing these leads and continues to look for others while AMLION-1 is assisting in the training of the SHATTER Team fisherman as interpretor..." - - - Page 3: ..."9. COSTS: 1) AMGLAD-1's (Ralph Diaz Hanscom) widow: $300.00. 2) AMLION-1: $200.00..."
11/21/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMLUNY AMSHATTER: "1. Ref A first official verification Magda Volta in CIS detention, but unclear whether quote ring unquote allegedly recruited by William Milne and serviced by Magda is AMSHATTER team. Ref D furnished additional evidence some members AMSHATTER team seized by CIS at time AMSHATTER exfil attempt 18 Oct which prior Lippert second trip Cuba and arrest. Recent issue Miami exile newspaper Patria carried photo Cuban commo minister Faure Chomon at 24 Oct rally holding up boxes duz soap and prince macaroni which Faure Chomon claims were used by CIA to ship in sab gear via parcel post. These boxes identical those used conceal sab gear flown Cuba 28 Aug by Lippert and picked up 2 Sep by AMSHATTER members. However, GOC (Government of Cuba) news coverage does not relate these boxes with Lippert case except they state both engineered by CIA...4...Ref A itemization sab gear brought by Lippert on 24 Oct trip does not include any gear brought by Lippert on 28 August trip related to AMSHATTER op. We note further Ref B indictment gives no indication witnesses other than Lippert, Milne, Volta and Rodriguez will appear. Thus suspect CIS fully aware Lippert and Volta ties with AMSHATTERS. CIS does not intend reveal AMSHATTER case at this trial. Assume therefore trial testimony will simply repeat vague references to ring serviced by Volta...7. FYI only on 14 Nov AMOTS (network of Cubans trained by David Morales during 1960-61 to be a new Cuban intelligence service once Castro had been ousted) intercepted letter to Mrs. Lippert from her mother urging Mrs. Lippert return Cuba to bear child since Mrs. Lippert now without resources or aid...Mrs. Lippert has made clear to AMOT handlers and co she not particularly concerned with fate husband and has no intention return Cuba..." (CONTINUED BELOW).
11/21/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMLUNY AMSHATTER: "8...AMSHATTER team member who believed to have assisted in 2 Sep pickup Lippert sab gear from Magda Volta is known have had farm Punto Bravo and is known to have fled when cache discovered. Have not been able contact or locate this member AMSHATTER net since he fled thus not aware whether he under CIS control. Our interest locate source rumor on Punto Bravo is ascertain whether this farmer identical with AMSHATTER team member and if so whether his arrest actually took place prior AMSHATTER exfil attempt 18 October..."
11/23/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMLUNY AMSHATTER: "1. Have now ascertained arrested farmer cited para (unintelligible) Eduardo (Concepcion) Sosa, who according local refugee wife was arrested early October for concealment clandestine equipment his farm near Punto Bravo missile site and for involvement amateur exfiltrators Cuban underground members from Cuba. Reported sentenced by military tribunal 15 October and current fate unknown. Canned sab gear picked up by AMSHATTER team 2 Sept believed delivered farm Leoncio Coto. However, exact location Coto farm not clear, (unintelligible) discovery Punto Bravo cache not necessarily AMSHATTERS. Plight or fate Coto not now known. Farmer subagent AMSHATTER team who known have fled when cache discovered was Delfin Cabo who managed from east Caibarien Las Villas where original AMSHATTER cache placed (see Ref B). 2. While Ref A discussion of AMSHATTER involvement, (unintelligible), case may be used for discussing with liaison by OTTA Station subject HQs concurrence, request that liaison be asked not provide info concerning team to Canadian Foreign Ministry for FOLL reasons: A. Possibility AMSHATTER team did not cause Lippert arrest but was detected by CIS through separate evidence obtained coincident with Lippert case. B. If team caused Lippert roll-up, CIS going great lengths conceal fact of inserting Juan Antonio Rodriguez as witness vice AMSHATTER team, order play team as D/A case. C. Re para 4 Ref A it apparent GOC (Government of Cuba) attempting not associate explosives exhibited 24 Oct by commo minister Faure Chomon as related Lippert case so that D/A operation of controlled AMSHATTER team may be protected. Thus exposure AMSHATTER ties to Lippert to Canadian Foreign Ministry might result FONMIN unwittingly revealing info to GOC as defense tactic for Lippert and Milne. This would be tantamount telling GOC we know team controlled, possibly resulting immediate execution team."
Commission Document 1135 - State Meeker Letter of 20 Jun 1964 with Attachments
11/25/63: Warren Commission Document No. 1135: Page 40: ..."COURT SENTENCES CANADIAN TO 30 YEARS: Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 1643 GMT 25 November 1963 - F: (Text) The Havana Revolutionary Court tried and condemned to 30 years' deprivation of freedom Canadian citizen Ronald Patrick Lippert for the crime of espionage in the service of the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA. The court absolved the accused William David Milne because his participation in the espionage activities of Lippert in Cuba was not proved. Lippert and Milne arrived at Rancho Boyeros airport on 24 October in a small plane from Miami, attempting to pass large quantities of explosives, magnetic mines, grenades, detonators, and bullets in baggage labeled as candies. During the trial it was demonstrated that Lippert began to work with the CIA in 1962, receiving training courses at that time from a member of the Yankee agency known as Charlie (Farron - phonetic), who showed him how to work with codes, secret writings, and other means of communication. The Canadian citizen, Ronald Patrick Lippert, who was condemned to 30 years' imprisonment in Havana, has residence in Miami and received training from the CIA which paid him 400 dollars per month. According to his own confession, Lippert received instructions from CIA agent Charlie (Farron) to bring and introduce into Cuba various sabotage materials and explosives, under the guise of alleged commercial trips. He was discovered on 24 October when he arrived at Rancho Boyeros airport from Miami with labeled as candy and preserves but which contained explosives to be turned over to criminal elements which were to use it for terroristic acts and sabotage against the revolution. A customs official opened the cans in front of Lippert himself, uncovering the explosives which the CIA frequently sends to Cuba by all means..."
11/28/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: Slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMSHATTER: "1. In S/W message written 4 Nov postmarked 22 Nov Mexico and received JMWAVE 27 Nov, AMSTASH-1 (Manuel Viera Rodriguez) said he waiting our exfiltration instructions which he can receive by at-3 on cypher pad FPSAM. A-1 recommended (REDACTION) aka El Gallego long time member A-1 net to receive instructions and money. A-1 asked that portion salary being held ESCROW account be converted 11,400 pesos and sent Cuba cover cost father eye operation and family needs by 15 Dec. A-1 concluded message stating previous intelligence reports sent (unintelligible) instructions through embassy during his absence on trip Caibarien on October exfiltration attempt. 2. (REDACTION) not same Juan Bautista who implicated AMADDER (JMWAVE infiltration sabotage team) Team. 3. Note this SW letter mailed in Mexico. Also received at WAVE (unintelligible) three plain text info reports from AMSTASH-1 apparently sent through same embassy channel. Although details this channel not revealed by A-1 prior his arrest, Ricardo and Angel believed cutouts to (unintelligible) in French Embassy. Vincente sends materials to Mexico where mailed. 4. Station does not intend send A-1's personal funds to him."
12/05/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: "1. Neither WAVE nor local ACSI in contact with Doctor Roche. 2. Unless Roche ACSI contact from ZRMETAL (Washington, D.C.), AMSHATTER team captain suggests possible DSE provocation or O/A op since Roche traceable through Perfecto Gonzalez aka Lulu whose identity known to AMSHATTERS. 3. AMSHATTER team not aware IDEN Roche and was to be given contact bona fides for Roche after their safe infil PBRUMEN (Cuba). However, team never given bona fides because own net grew too rapidly to warrant further expansion. C/S Comment: *Roche gave signal which meant he now in contact someone representing ODYOKE (U.S. Government)."
"Record: AMSHATTER. Sources: Blond Ghost, Corn, pp. 108-109. Mary's Comments: CIA-backed team which picked up contraband from Maria Volta, Donald Lippert's Cuban aunt. When the Cubans publicized the event without mentioning the AMSHATTER team, Ted Shackley 'assumed that Cuban intelligence intended to run AMSHATTER members as double-agents against JMWAVE.'"