Cryptonym: AMOT
Reportedly they took all the files they had collected in their initial work and maintained an extensive and continually updated collection on the overall Cuban community within the United States. 104-10171-10248 indicates the AMOT reports known as DD files began in 1963 - it refers to DD-99 of 5/1/63 and DD-106 of 5/3/63.
104-10192-10409 contains several actual "DD files" - see p. 2 citing the attached DD-982, p. 3; DD-991, p. 25; DD-1006, p. 24; DD-1009, pp. 33-40; DD-1010, p. 19. For other versions and related memos, see 1994.05.10.13:51:02:910007 - Reel 27, Folder M - MIRR, THIRD AGENCY DOCUMENTS. AMOT may have been an abbreviation for "Anonymous Organization Team". See 104-10102-10220 below.
See 178-10002-10215, p. 100: In the deposition of CIA officer William Sturbitts, he refers to the AMOTS as "the eyes and ears into the Cuban community".
Ultimate Sacrifice (paperback), by Lamar Waldron, p. 629
from the book: research confirms that David Morales was in charge of this operation. The AMOT program involved more than two dozen people and lasted for several years...
October 1960: David Morales "arrive(s) in the WAVE area...and initiates an operational program directed to the establishment of a Cuban intelligence service, both for positive collection of intelligence and to establish protective security on JMATE (the Bay of Pigs project, as well as Cuban operations overall) operations...likely to be the nucleus of a post-Castro Cuban Government serve which will service (CIA) ends, not only on the basis of liaison, but by means of penetrations of this service already established..." (from 4/12/61 dispatch of PJM, Chief of Base at JMWAVE to Chief, WHD).
This 1976 memo describes AMOT this way: "AMOT's were Cubans in Miami (outside group) controlled by JMWAVE station who gathered information on Cubans, primarily from debriefing of Cuban refugees."
This memo describes AMOT: "This project funded a support group for JMWAVE Station that spotted and recruited potential assets primarily in the PM field and maritime areas, but also for the FI, CI and PW areas of operation. They handled debriefings, investigations, surveillances and acquired intelligence through AMOT penetrations of Cuban exile groups."
This document contains a handful of AMOT reports on Cuban exile groups.
"Anonymous Organization Group: During 1960-63, this Group consisted of between 50 to 100 Cuban exiles who constituted a structured intelligence support group for the (JMWAVE) Station. It performed a variety of functions for the Station, and it was the Station's prime source of information on Cuban exile activities. It is considered the single most valuable operational activity undertaken by the Station."
104-10310-10020: FILE:DDCI DOCUMENTS
4/20/61 Chief, WH/4/CI to Chief, WH/4, CI Program for JMATE project: "...AMOT Security Service: The AMOT complex is made up of 97 AMOT staff and clerical personnel, 34 AMFASTs (security/counterintelligence teams) located in the Miami area, and 43 AMCHEERS (senior Cuban citizens drawn from banking, commercial and ranching circles in Cuba), also located in Miami...Problems and Resolution: AMOT-KUBARK relationship: The Agency must recognize the possibility of strained feelings because of the failure of the invasion. It is believed that the Agency representative in Miami will be able, because of his excellent personal relationship with the Chief of the AMOT service, to maintain a satisfactory working relationship...Compromised Agent Assets Inside Cuba: The Agency must assume that the paramilitary assets inside Cuba have probably been compromised by Castro security countermeasures taken at the time of the invasion. Each of these assets or net must be examined to determine their continued usefulness. The inclusion of trained CI officers, such as the AMOTS or AMFASTS, in various teams infiltrated into Cuba can serve to ferret out and neutralize identified penetrations." Also see Larry Hancock, Nexus, p. 61.
5/5/61, from JMBELL to JMWAVE: "*WH Comment: Reported eviction of AMBUD-1/AMDIP-1 (Cardona and Varona) henchmen by court order from AMOT building, arrest of two henchmen for refusal (to) obey court order, and suggested AMOT files be protected."
104-10310-10020: FILE:DDCI DOCUMENTS
6/5/61, R.D. Shea's memorandum for the record re interview with C/WH/4/CI (Clark Simmons): ..."Subsequent to the invasion the AMOTS have been substantially changed by Cardona (AMBUD-1). He has replaced the top AMOTS by political appointees who have no skill in tradecraft. The top men thus fired had anticipated such a move, and in addition to microfilming 120,000 cards, they removed all cryptonyms and all memoranda of conversation between them and (David) Morales with the result that the new service doesn't know the identity of the AMOTS that are presently in Cuba."
Carlos Lechuga, Cuba and the Missile Crisis (Ocean Press, 2001), p. 17.
"From 300 to 400 "case officers" of the Agency's clandestine services worked in the quiet academic environment of the university town. Each of those officers had from four to ten main agents - known as AMOTS - at their orders."
"This proprietary, which produced economic and sociological reports in support of Cuban operations, was dissolved in 1973 and its assets turned over to another proprietary, SLIGO. SLIGO was subsequently dissolved in 1975 (see list of dissolved entities).
104-10309-10026: CABLE RE AMOTS REPORT
11/20/63, Cable from JMWAVE to Director: "1. AMOTS report 5 members of Bay of Pigs Veterans Association delivered open letter to President Kennedy upon his arrival 18 November at Miami Airport. Same 5 Cubans later delivered copy to press conference members at Americana Hotel. (Letter also due to be published Diario Las Americas). AMOTS believe this origin of rumor brigade members had visited with President. 2. Cubans are Andres Aurelio (Basols), Juan Jose (Pueruyero) Rodriguez, Pedro (Ensinosa) Valdes, Bernardo (Torres), Rodolfo (Sorondo). 3. Copy letter being air mailed drachman box."