Cryptonym: AMFAWN-1
03/16/63: Cable from JMWAVE to Director: INTEL: "SUPDATA: Paras 1-9 Theodore F. Passavoy (probably Col. Wendell C. Johnson) from AMBUD-1 (Jose Miro Cardona) and Luis Botifoll, para 10 AMFAWN-1...COUNTRY: Cub/Costa Rica/Guatemala. SUBJ: Report of Conversations Between Jose Miro Cardona, President of the Cuban Revolutionary Council and President Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes of Guatemala and Opinions Regarding the Upcoming Meeting in Costa Rica...SOURCE: Paras 1-9 U.S. observer (C) from Jose Miro Cardona, President of the Cuban Revolutionary Council; para 10: Cuban exile (C) with extensive contacts among exiled Cuban labor leaders."
06/29/64: Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Deputy Chief, WH/SA: Subject: TYPIC/Operational Denunciation of AMICE by AMBANG-1 Organization: "1. Forwarded under separate cover is a copy of the June 1964 issue of the organ of the QKGLACE section of the AMBANG-1 (Manuel Ray Rivero/JURE) organization. On the last page is a denunciation of another exile organization, not named but obviously AMICE (FORDC, Frente Obrero Revolucionario Democratico Cubano). The opening statement accuses AMICE of being KUBARK (CIA)-controlled. The article was probably precipitated by anti-AMTHUG-1 (Fidel Castro) statements given AMICE for JMMAYFLY by a number of QKGLACE leaders in Latin American countries which the AMBANG-1 organization claims as its own. It says, 'Everyone knows that these have supported our ideological line and organization only.' It berates AMICE for encroaching on this sphere of interest, and asks why AMICE does not use its 'ample funds' to line up support in countries where AMBANG-1 delegates cannot afford to go. 2. When this attack came to light in the JMWAVE area about a week ago, AMBANG-1 called AMICE-3 (Mario Fontela Alfonso) to go apologize. AMBANG-1 said that the person responsible (unnamed) had been dismissed, and that such an incident would not be repeated. AMICE-3 answered that AMICE preferred to concentrate on getting support for the plight of the PBRUMEN (Cuban) workers, but that harassment from the AMFAWN -1 organization made it difficult, and that if AMICE's other flank was going to be attacked by the AMBANG-1 organization AMICE members could not be kept silent, and the ensuing situation might cripple exile effectiveness. (Handwritten: Henry P. Rebholtz for) Andrew K. Reuteman (Theodore Shackley)."