Larry Hancock is the author of Someone Would Have Talked, a book which addresses the common objection to conspiracy voiced in the title. Hancock discusses the very interesting things that some people did say, both prior and after the assassination. He is an expert on Cuban exile groups and the dangerous milieu created by Kennedy's conflicted Cuba policy.
Larry Hancock: John Martino
Larry Hancock describes his search for a person who might be the "linchpin" of a JFK conspiracy, who turned out to be John Martino, an anti-Castro individual who confessed involvement to a few close associates.
Larry Hancock discusses the cancellation of a planned Kennedy trip to Chicago in early November 1963, and the possible reasons for it.
Running time: 1 min 45 sec
Source: Mary Ferrell Foundation, 19 Nov 2006
Larry Hancock: Foreknowledge
Larry Hancock talks about the "Parrot Jungle incident," one of several incidents in which someone made statements indicating foreknowledge of the JFK assassination.
Larry Hancock discusses the distinction between cover-up and conspiracy, and the various motivations which could lead government officials to engage in cover-ups.
Larry Hancock discusses the connection between John Martino and JMWAVE Senior Operations Officer David Morales, and Morales' statement that "we took care of that SOB"
Larry Hancock: Foreign Policy and the Death of JFK
Larry Hancock discusses the role the Kennedy Administration's foreign policy on Cuba played not only in the murder of President Kennedy, but that of his brother, Robert Kennedy, five years later.