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Video Clips - Jefferson Morley

Jeff Morley is a writer for the Washington Post Online, and has conducted interviews and research on the JFK case. Among those he interviewed was former CIA officer Jane Roman, who was one of the officers receiving the cable traffic from Mexico City in October 1963, and creating the response. Morley also discovered that George Joannides, a CIA officer brought out of retirement to be liaison with the HSCA, had an undisclosed role in the JFK assassination story in 1963. Morley's essays include What Jane Roman Said, The Good Spy, and Revelation 19.63.


Jefferson Morley: The George Joannides Story, Part I

Jefferson Morley tells the story of his investigation into the identity of "Howard," and the surprising truth he discovered along the way.

Running time: 15 min 49 sec

Source: Mary Ferrell Foundation, 17 Nov 2005

For more information: Unredacted - Episode 2

Jefferson Morley: The George Joannides Story, Part II

The story of Morley's investigation into the identity of "Howard" continues. Part II of II.

Running time: 6 min 7 sec

Source: Mary Ferrell Foundation, 17 Nov 2005

For more information: Unredacted - Episode 2

Jefferson Morley: In the Public Eye

Morley discusses his take on the evolution of the assassination in the popular culture, as well as the "not with a ten foot pole" mentality among those in the national press.

Running time: 4 min 37 sec

Source: Mary Ferrell Foundation, 17 Nov 2005

For more information: Theories and Perspectives

Jefferson Morley: The Jane Roman Story

Morley discusses the interview he conducted with Jane Roman, a former CIA worker who begrudgingly confirmed Morley's (and many others') suspicions of the CIA's pre-assassination knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Running time: 5 min 34 sec

Source: Mary Ferrell Foundation, 17 Nov 2005

For more information: Oswald's Visits to the Cuban and Soviet Embassies

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