Unredacted Episode 6: Interview with David Talbot
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Welcome to Unredacted, the MFF's interview show featuring authors and experts on the Kennedy assassination and related topics. This episode features an interview with David Talbot, founder of salon.com and author of the new book Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years. Drawing from a wide variety of sources, including many interviews with Kennedy intimates, Talbot draws a compelling and poignant picture of the Kennedy administration at war with its own national security apparatus. The book also discusses previously-unknown details of Robert Kennedy's quiet efforts to unravel the mysteries of his brother's murder, and the deep suspicions and knowledge maintained by RFK and many other insiders about who was behind the events in Dallas. In this interview, David Talbot tells some of the stories recounted in his new book, and offers an explanation for the silence of a generation of insiders and journalists. David Talbot will be on a national book tour starting May 7th, and will be appearing on the Charlie Rose show and Terry Gross' Fresh Air on National Public Radio. |
About Brothers
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Letters to the Editor on Salon.com
Reviews of Brothers
New Twist on JFK Book: Downplay Conspiracy, at Publisher's Weekly.
Who really did kill Kennedy?, by Dan Cornford, San Francisco Chronicle.
Great book reveals Kennedy's courage, by David Wrone.
CIA, mafia plotted assassination, says new book, at DailyIndia.com.
Robert Kennedy Suspected the Cuba Gang, at Digital Granma Internacional
Book Review, at International Herald Tribune
David Talbot's new twist on familiar tale of JFK murder, by Robin Abcarian, Los Angeles Times.
Beyond the Grassy Knoll, by Robert Dallek, Washington Post.
Camelot and Cuba, by Don Bohning. See also David Talbot's reply to the Bohning review.
Excerpt from Brothers
Other David Talbot Interviews
The CBS Early Show, with Harry Smith
WNYC, The Leonard Lopate Show
Fresh Air, on NPR with Dave Davies.
About David Talbot
Video of 2000 interview with Charlie Rose about Salon.com
Essays by David Talbot
Bobby Kennedy: America's First Conspiracy Theorist, in Chicago Sun-Times.
Related Essays
JFK & Castro: The Secret Quest for Accommodation, by Peter Kornbluh.
The Kennedy-CIA Divergence Over Cuba, by Peter Dale Scott.
Exit Strategy, by James K. Galbraith.
Did the U.S. Military Plan for a Nuclear First Strike for 1963?, by James K. Galbraith.
Revelation 19.63, by Jefferson Morley.