Unredacted Episode 2: Interview with Jefferson Morley and Jim Lesar
Welcome to Unredacted, the MFF's interview show featuring authors and experts on the Kennedy assassination and related topics. Our second episode is a discussion with Jefferson Morley, a writer for Washington Post online, and Jim Lesar, President of the Assassination Archives and Research Center. Jefferson Morley is the plaintiff in a lawsuit against the CIA, demanding the release of records pertaining to CIA officer George Joannides. Joannides was called out of retirement in the 1970s to serve as liaison with the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Unknown to the HSCA, Joannides had in 1963 been the case officer for the DRE, the Cuban exile group with whom Lee Harvey Oswald had multiple interactions in New Orleans. Jim Lesar is the lawyer handling Morley's suit, and is a leading Freedom of Information Act attorney. He is also President of the Assassination Archives and Research Center in Washington. The AARC is repository for millions of pages of Kennedy assassination documents, and is making these available online on the Mary Ferrell Foundation website. The forty-minute interview discusses Joannides, the progress of the lawsuit, and the resistance of the mainstream press to the topic of the JFK assassination. |
Voices Call for Release of Joannides Documents
Celebrated Authors Demand CIA Come Clean on Kennedy Assassination on salon.com, 17 Dec 2003.
JFK Scholars call for release of Joannides documents in the New York Review of Books, 18 Dec 2003.
More JFK Scholars call for release of Joannides documents in the New York Review of Books, 11 August 2005.
Essays by Jefferson Morley
Revelation 19.63 - In this Miami New Times article, Jefferson Morley tells the story of the DRE and George Joannides.
What Jane Roman Said - Jefferson Morley's essay discusses the Joannides matter (see Part 5), his interview with CIA officer Jane Roman, and other attempts to peel away the veil of CIA secrecy in the JFK case.
The Good Spy - In this essay, Morley writes about John Whitten, the CIA officer who initially handled the CIA's investigation into the Kennedy assassination.
Conspiracy Theories.. This short piece discusses two new books and the state of affairs regarding the Kennedy assassination. The books are Ultimate Sacrifice and A Farewell to Justice.
Further Related Information
Jefferson Morley vs. CIA: Cross-motion for summary judgment - This PDF document on the AARC website is a recent court filing in the lawsuit demanding CIA records on George Joannides. (note: this is a large PDF file, please be patient)
www.jfkaccountability.org - This multi-author blog, co-authored by Jefferson Morley, Rex Bradford, and others, extolls the need for government accountability in the JFK case.