Photo Collection: JFK Library Photos
The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston, Massachusetts has a vast collection of photos from the Kennedy Presidency and the earlier life and career of John F. Kennedy. Photos presented here are mainly from the public domain White House photo series, scanned at the JFK Library. 409 photographs.
Click on any thumbnail image to view the photos in that set.
Kennedy at the White House
Kennedy and Government Officials
(37 photos)
Kennedy and Family
(9 photos)
Other White House Photos
(38 photos)
Cuban Missile Crisis
(14 photos)
White House Staff
(97 photos)
Weekend of the Assassination
Arrival at Love Field
(6 photos)
Parkland Hospital
(4 photos)
Leaving Dallas
(11 photos)
Swearing-In Aboard Air Force I
(20 photos)
Arrival at Andrews AFB
(18 photos)
Return to the White House
(8 photos)
Casket at White House
(10 photos)
Moving Body to Capitol
(24 photos)
Other Photos
JFK & Eisenhower
(6 photos)
JFK, Dulles & McCone
(15 photos)
JFK & Pres. of India
(7 photos)
Jackie Kennedy Trip to India
(13 photos)
JFK, Lemnitzer & Taylor
(12 photos)