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JFK Library Photos

The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston, Massachusetts has a vast collection of photos from the Kennedy Presidency and the earlier life and career of John F. Kennedy. The 409 photos presented here are mainly from the public domain White House photo series.

NARA Evidence Photos

The National Archives has taken its own high-quality photographs of some of the physical evidence in its possession relating to the JFK case. This set of 159 color photos were scanned from the 8x10" photos available at the National Archives II in College Park, Maryland.

HSCA Public Hearings Exhibits

The House Select Committee on Assassinations conducted several days of public hearings, and displayed many exhibits of photos, documents, charts, and graphs. The 132 exhibit images made available here are highlights from the nearly 700 numbered exhibits.

HSCA "Mugbook"

The House Select Committee on Assassinations compiled a "mugbook" of photographs of a variety of persons associated with the JFK assassination case.

Warren Commission Document Photos

The voluminous Warren Commission Documents collection features hundreds of photographs of evidence, people, locations, and more. These 398 photos are a sampling from this set.

RFK Grand Jury Request Exhibits

Photographs used as exhibits in the 1992 Request to the Los Angeles County Grand Jury, requesting a review of the Robert Kennedy assassination. The photos relate to the issue of a "second gun" in the pantry.

RFK Assassination Photos

This set of photographs comes from the California State Archives and was donated to the MFF by the Assassination Archives and Research Center.

About the Photo Archive

1 Click on any photo thumbnail to view a larger version of that photo.
2 Photos are organized into collections, typically matching collections from the National Archives or other such source.
3 Some collections consist of multiple pages of thumbnails. Use the page links near the top of these pages to access each page.
4 Photos and their collections contain source identifying information, for those who wish to locate the actual photograph.

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