Pedro Gutierrez Valencia Allegation

A cablegram from the FBI's Legal Attache in Mexico City to the FBI Director, one of several reports from early 1964 on the allegations of Pedro Gutierrez Valencia.
Copy found in CIA files, record number 104-10404-10395.
The story of Gilberto Alvarado Ugarte, the Nicaraguan who claimed to have seen Oswald take money to kill Kennedy in the Cuban Embassy, reached the Warren Commission. Another similar story, this one featuring Oswald taking money outside the Cuban Embassy, also reached the Commission and was of concern to them. This latter allegation was provided by a man named Pedro Gutierrez Valencia.
On 2 Dec 1963, Gutierrez wrote a letter to President Johnson. In this letter and in subsequent FBI interviews conducted in February 1964, Gutierrez told the following story. He claimed that as part of his work as a credit examiner, he had visited the Cuban Embassy on 1 Oct 1963. Outside the Embassy, he had bumped into a Cuban man who was counting out money to an American, and he overheard a heated discussion in which the words "Castro" and "Kennedy" were used. The two men then got into a car together and drove off. After Kennedy's assassination, Gutierrez recognized the American as Lee Harvey Oswald.
During the February 1964 investigation, Gutierrez was found to be a credible person, but aspects of his story failed corroboration. Surveillance photos had failed to pick up Gutierrez during the time period in question. Further, Gutierrez failed to pick Oswald correctly from a photo spread.
The House Select Committee on Assassinations investigated this story, and interviewed Gutierrez. In a tape recording of what appears to be someone reading an English translation of the 1978 Gutierrez HSCA interview (this tape is at the National Archives), Gutierrez retracted much of his story. He claimed that there was no Cuban walking with Oswald, no heated discussion of Kennedy, no counting out of money.
Regarding his 1964 FBI interviews, Gutierrez in 1978 said that "they spoke broken Spanish, and I spoke broken English." This hardly accounts for the dramatic change in story 14 years later.
Essays More Mexico Mysteries, by Rex Bradford. Overview: The CIA, the Drug Traffic, and Oswald in Mexico, by Peter Dale Scott. Other Links Taped HSCA Interview of Pedro Gutierrez Valencia. In this amazing tape, an unnamed speaker apparently reads the (translated from Spanish) interview of Gutierrez, conducted by Ed Lopez on 5 Jun 1978. In this interview, briefly noted in the Lopez Report, Gutierrez retracted much of his story. |
Documents Allegation by Pedro Gutierrez Valencia. This FBI report is part of CE 2121, at 24WH126-139. It lays out the basic story and FBI attempts to corroborate the story and Gutierrez' reliability. FBI Legal Cablegram of 19 Feb 1964. This cablegram reported CIA's failure to find Gutierrez in its surveillance photos of Sep 30 through Oct 4 1963. See also this FBI Legat memo of 24 Feb. FBI Report of 24 Feb 1964. This report contains background checks on Gutierrez as well as reports on a Feb 20 interview with him. Memo: Trip to Mexico City. Warren Commission staffer David Slawson's report of the April trip to Mexico City discusses Gutierrez on p.17-18. Coleman-Slawson Foreign Conspiracy Report: Statement of Pedro Gutierrez Valencia. The relevant pages are reproduced in p.162-162 of HSCA Volume XI. FBI HSCA Administrative Folder F-6, p.253-320. This FBI compilation contains many reports on the Gutierrez matter. Lopez Report, p.266-271. The HSCA's report "Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City" describes its follow-up on the Gutierrez allegations, but fails to adequately explain the stunning repudiation of parts of his story which Gutierrez made during his taped interview (almost all of the information is contained in the brief footnote 1192). |