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Motorcade Films

Zapruder Film

The most famous film of the JFK assassination was shot by Abraham Zapruder while standing at the pergola near the "grassy knoll." It captures the full shooting sequence.

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Nix Film

Orville Nix filmed the motorcade on Houston Street, and then the assassination from a view opposite that of Zapruder.

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Muchmore Film

The Muchmore film follows the motorcade along Houston Street, and then has a very few seconds of the assassination sequence at its end.

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Bronson Film

Charles Bronson took some still photographs as well as this film from his location atop a concrete abutment just off Houston Street.

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Hughes Film

Robert Hughes filmed from the sidewalk on the west side of Houston Street. It shows the motorcade going by on Houston Street, as well as the vicinity of the shooting after it had occurred.

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Bell Film

Mark Bell took this film from off Houston Street near Main. It depicts the motorcade going by on Houston and making the left-hand turn onto Elm. It also shows the Presidential limousine racing under the triple underpass, along with the aftermath of confusion in Dealey Plaza.

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Dorman Film

Elsie Doorman worked for the Scott, Foresman publishing company on the fourth floor of the TSBD building, and took this film from that location. It shows the motorcade on Houston Street, but does not capture the Presidential limousine during the assassination itself.

Search for "Dorman Film" on YouTube

Wiegman Film

NBC cameraman Dave Wiegman shot this footage from within a car in the motorcade. Much of the film is jumpy, as Weigman leaped from the car to continue filming while running on foot.

Search for "Wiegman Film" on YouTube

Couch Film

Malcolm Couch, a local WFAA TV cameraman, said he saw about a foot of the barrel of a rifle being withdrawn from a window in the TSBD. He filmed this footage in the immediate aftermath of the assassination, from a car in the motorcade.

Search for "Couch Film" on YouTube

Martin Film

John Martin's film shows the motorcase on Houston Street, and rounding the corner onto Elm through some trees. It also shows the aftermath of the shooting in Dealey Plaza.

Search for "Martin Film" on YouTube

Daniel Film

Jack Daniel took this brief film footage from just beyond the Triple Underpass. The Presidential limousine, carrying the mortally wounded President, zooms past the unsuspecting cheering bystanders.

Search for "Daniel Film" on YouTube

Paschall Film

Patsy Paschall filmed from the third floor tower of the courthouse on Houston Street. Her film depicts the motorcade going by underneath, as well as other views after the assassination.

Search for "Paschall Film" on YouTube

Jefferies Film

In February 2007, this "new" film of the motorcade was made public. Filmed by George Jefferies, it shows the motorcade go by a spot some 90 seconds before the assassination. The film also shows some post-assassination footage of Dealey Plaza.

Search for "Jefferies Film" on YouTube

About These Films

Please note that these films are hosted on YouTube, which may be in violation of copyrights held on the films. The Mary Ferrell Foundation does not host these films directly because of this issue.

Related Starting Points

Photos and Films

Dealey Plaza


Dealey Plaza Witness Database
by Stewart Galanor


A History of the Zapruder Film, by Martin Shackelford.

Bedrock Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination, by Josiah Thompson.

JFK Assassination Film Hoax, by John P. Costella.

Evidence of Alteration in the Zapruder Film, by Michael T. Griffith.

Why the Zapruder Film is Authentic, by Josiah Thompson.

Secrets of a Homicide - Conclusions, by Dale Myers.

The Zapruder Film and the President's Wounds, by David Lifton.

The Zapruder Film and the Language of Proof, by James Fetzer.

The Paschall Film: Movement Behind the Fence, by Greg Jaynes.

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