Mary Ferrell Foundation Press
The Mary Ferrell Foundation Press in 2007 began to bring classic works on the JFK assassination and hard-to-find government reports back into print form. The reports are still available from MFF Press; the book rights have since been transferred to Skyhorse Publishing. See the MFF Store for information on ordering these titles.
These reports are available in print form:
- HSCA Final Report
- Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City (the House Select Committee on Assassinations' "Lopez-Hardway Report")
- Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders
(Church Committee Interim Report) - Performance of the Intelligence Agencies
(Church Committee Schweiker-Hart Report) - Covert Action in Chile, 1963 - 1973
(Church Committee Volume 7)
Click any image to read the report online:
The following books were brought back into print by the MFF, or in two cases originally published by us. They are all now available from Skyhorse Publishing:
- Hear No Evil, by Donald B. Thomas (see book resource page)
- The Last Investigation, by Gaeton Fonzi (see book resource page)
- The War Conspiracy, by Peter Dale Scott (see book resource page)
- Deep Politics II, by Peter Dale Scott
- Accessories After the Fact, by Sylvia Meagher
- Post Mortem, by Harold Weisberg
- Never Again!, by Harold Weisberg
- Oswald in New Orleans by Harold Weisberg (see book resource page)
- "Frame-Up", by Harold Weisberg
- Whitewash, by Harold Weisberg
- Whitewash II, by Harold Weisberg
- Photographic Whitewash, by Harold Weisberg
- Whitewash IV, by Harold Weisberg
MFF Press also published Larry Hancock's Tipping Point:
- Tipping Point by Larry Hancock (read online or order paperback)
Click any image to see details about the book:
Visit the MFF Store to Order Titles